Who would appreciate sex songs from an older person?
There’s an artist from back in the day who is promoting new music. The artist age group is mid 50 He is singing about sex
He is actually using the D and P word in his song.
Opinions please.
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50 Answers
Does Madonna still sing the song “Like a Prayer”? Because that one is about BJs. And she is 66.
@honeybun35 Do you object to older people having sex? Or just people over 50 admitting that they do?
Just trying to understand the reasoning of your Q.
ragingloliinnNadinna song is she saying p***y or d**ck? Is it a love song or hard core? Is it love song or straight up sex song sounding like someone in their 20s ?
canidmajor for you to comprehend this question. I didn’t say older people didn’t have sex. I didn’t even say it was a love song. Someone in their fifties though singing sexual songs like they are Chris Brown age and what they are going to with a girl body part.
Also Madonna career never stopped. I said they are trying to promote . Different levels
Can you send a link or more info so we can fully critique please.
Link not sure why you need this . I asked a question already.
@honeybun35 Why are you so defensive? Obviously you are not being totally clear or we would not ask for clarification.
To answer your question as asked, IDGAF, and if someone does GAF, they can choose to not listen to the song.
@honeybun35 Only because you called out a specific artist. Your choice. I was just trying to provide my honest opinion.
Well I mean basically is there an age group for an artist to sing sex songs? That’s all you need to know. I’ve already said their age and what was mentioned.
Someone is heated. Thanks for your feedback canidmajor
” Well I mean basically is there an age group for an artist to sing sex songs?”
Maybe? I f you’d showed me a preview of Gangnam Style before it released, I’d tell you that you’re crazy if you think this thing would become an international global sensation, and I would have been very wrong. It’s hard to predict what will/won’t be popular.
Showing a link to the music would probably add more context.
I’m thinking of (not that this is who you are asking about because they’re both deceased), Barry White and Johny Mathis. They were both older, although I don’t think either one specified body parts, but their songs were very romantic and their songs were hits, enjoyed by many of all ages.
Yes key words romantic but not sexual. They weren’t singing about putting their thing in a woman’s vagina and saying the p word.
I am not sure if there are any commercial hits that use the words penis and vagina, @honeybun35 because I don’t think those songs would get much airplay on conventional radio. I may be mistaken. I know songs make reference to bumping and grinding, wet, between the sheets and vague references, but not specific words like vagina and penis.
There is the infamous “WAP” by someone called “Cardi B”.
Opinions? Ok: Sounds fine, and like you’re quite ageist.
“Who would appreciate sex songs from an older person?”
– If the songs, have merit, then: People who aren’t much younger, and highly ageist (i.e. prejudiced against people of different ages) about sexuality.
@jca2 I’ve heard the fairly popular song ’‘Detachable Penis’’ on the radio several times, particularly after it came out about 30 years ago.
@Zaku Oh yeah, it was amusing.
@honeybun35 Just to say that age is relative. I remember when I was 18, I hung out with a bunch of people and there were two or three girls there who were 21 at the time. To me, then, 21 was so old! Now that I’m in my 50s, someone who is 3 years younger or even 10 years younger is not a whole lot different than I am. Just to say that to you, someone in their 50s might seem old but when you’re older, it won’t feel that way.
@jca2 ok and how old is she? Is she a grandparent age? Is she in her mid 50s because I thought Cardi b was young.
@Zaku not understanding your response. Are you saying someone that is a grandparent trying to re-establish a crowd should sing about putting his penis inside a female?
@Zaku @jca2 Cardi b is only I repeat only 31 .Wap came out in 2020 she was still in her 20s so not sure what point you’re trying to make or maybe you didn’t really read. In the question it clearly states someone in their mid 50s. Not someone who just came out their 20s.
How is that rude . You didn’t comprehend the question.
You did reference but you co signed good point. What good point she’s barely in her 30s
An older person who wanted to “get it on.” It’s all personal and regardless of age.
Well, @honeybun35, do tell us, please, would you appreciate sex songs from an older person?
@honeybun35 I’m saying that it depends on the musician and their musical style and image, but personally, I’d say being 50, or possibly someone’s grandparent, is not necessarily a reason not to sing about sex, for everyone.
For some people it might be, but that strikes me as probably an ageist perspective, even if it might be typical for younger people.
Another type of bias, that I’m more sympathetic to in my own personal tastes, is not particularly wanting to hear explicit sex lyrics, though even that, to me, depends on the genre and style and context. Does it have enough humor to carry it off? Is it punk rock? It might work for me. I’d have to hear it. But the age of the singer would probably not be a factor.
For example, consider Mick Jagger. He was more like 60 years old when he sang at the Super Bowl Halftime show in 2006. I thought that was pretty awesome, and if his age had much of an impact, I’d say it actually made it even more “hard core” that the Rolling Stones could still rock that song at a top tier venue in a stadium at that age. “I can’t get no satisfaction! I can’t get no girly action!” may not be explicit body parts, but it Mick Jagger is, was, and always has been, a rock & roll super star who embodies sexuality (he doesn’t need to mention body parts), and he’s still doing it at 79 years old.
Zaku let me ask you this . Cardi B made wap while was in her 20s. Let’s say Mariah Carey performed that exact same song would younger crowd think she’s too old to sing that song? Would older age group 40 and 50 think they like her stick to stuff she normally make.
Chris Brown can take off his shirt and perform but how would all age groups feel if Genuine or or Keith Sweat did the same thing? A singer did that and on social media people said someone come get their grandpa to an artist
I’m not saying your perspective doesn’t exist, or isn’t common amongst young people.
American pop music fans in their 20’s or younger probably do very much tend to prefer singers who seem young, especially when signing younger/newer styles, and more explicit sexy lyrics. But that is an ageist perspective, and not an absolute.
What’s so ironic is that honeybun is, I believe, in her 50’s.
In my ripe old age of 53 I would absolutely love to hear sex songs. Bring it on!
smudges ok and you say that yo say what? Confused on what that have to do with my question. Um not an artist that makes music so I’m confused on my age being 50 something. I asked about someone who makes music saying the vagina and penis word in slang at that age to promote music. What my age being the same ha e to do with that My question wasn’t who’s 59 because I’m not
Still curious, @honeybun35, would (do) you appreciate sex songs from an older person?
Music is an Art form. It can appeal and resonate with various people for various reasons.
Age of the artist does not matter to me. It is how it makes me feel.
“One good thing about music, when it hits you – you feel no pain.” Bob Marley
I pointed out your age because you’re dissing someone in their 50s singing about sex. You’re not a youngster, so I think it’s ironic.
No that wasn’t my point. My point being that I’m 50 or not we have kids ages in their 30s and we know how they react . I have family member that age and would think it’s corny or played out for someone like r Kelly now at age 50z to be saying he’s going stick his d in someone vs someone line Chris Brown saying it Me being in my 50 what does that have e to do again with my question . Just because I’m 50 my questions can’t pertain to asking Bout 50 yr old? Confused you still didn’t say or prove anything
It really sounds to me like you have a beef against someone specific whose sex lyrics you don’t like. Why not come out and say that, if so? All this obfuscation doesn’t further the conversation.
<shake my head>
Why do you bother coming here? You argue with and dislike 99% of the answers you get. Or maybe that’s why you come…to argue and try to prove us wrong.
Bottom line, if you don’t like the song don’t fucking listen to it.
@smudges Amen to that.
Plus, when a person asks a question and is rude to those who answer, it’s a real turn-off for anyone to answer that person’s questions in the future. Not that Fluther doesn’t have rude people, but at least with those, there is some discourse.
It’s rude because you don’t like my reply. That’s only reason you feel it’s rude. Why shouldn’t I correct what I said in question. Rude because I said what me being 50 have to do with my question. So I shouldn’t say anything . Again I still don’t see what me being 50 having a question to do with 50 mean. So I’m still rude? Your mas because you know that sound dumb.
smudges ok and I’m still asking the question. What does that mean if I don’t like it don’t listen. Does it even say that in my topic . I asked for opinions. Where did it describe I was bothered. Read before you quick to try answer. Evidently you didn’t even get the question you just ready to give your answer in defense.
<rolls eyes> Geez you’re a grouch! And yes, that’s my opinion, as is everyone’s responses. They’re all opinions!
Yours didn’t even go with the question. I love how you can’t take it . That’s all you got us grouch lol
Some how I think the singer is someones sometime bedroom guest ! !
Age does not matter, get it grandma!!!!!
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