Social Question

mazingerz88's avatar

What activities do you no longer do because time for you had become too precious to spend on such things?

Asked by mazingerz88 (29123points) 2 weeks ago

As asked.

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4 Answers

LadyMarissa's avatar

Knitting & crocheting are 2 things that I can no longer do…NOT because of time; but, because I had a stroke & lost use of 1 arm & hand. I’ve NOT been able to recreate how to control the tension & thread loops with only 1 useful hand. Still, every so often I spend the day trying.

mazingerz88's avatar

^^So sorry to hear.

cookieman's avatar

Listen to other people’s problems.

When I was younger, I’d always be there to listen to friends work out their issues. I may have had a ‘saver’ mentality. It eventually became exhausting and clearly a one-way street, as they were never interested in listening to me.

I had a similar issue with wanting to help fix the problems of those in my immediate family. I’ve mostly gotten past that too.

It’s hard though. I’m a helper and must get some level of self worth from helping others, but I went way too far.

Unfortunately, my daughter picked up this trait from me. I’m constantly telling her, “that’s not your job.”

smudges's avatar

^^ Good for you for reminding your daughter; it may save her a lifetime of trying to help people who won’t appreciate her or the help.

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