General Question

mazingerz88's avatar

How can I download a copy of my Instagram photos?

Asked by mazingerz88 (29393points) September 2nd, 2024 from iPhone

I used to edit and enhance photos using Instagram wherein I can afterwards download that edited photo to my cellphone along with posting it on Instagram. Since then I deleted some of those photos in my cellphone and they’re gone for good, except their copies in Instagram.

Recently I tried to download one photo from Instagram and it seems so far that there is no way for me to do that….download my own photos. I see an option to delete them but not download a copy. What am I missing? Thanks!

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1 Answer

Forever_Free's avatar

I have used many tools over the years. Snap Insta is a good app. There are other free ones out there.
Once you download an app, you need to know the URL for the posted photo or video.

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