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Jeruba's avatar

How does "being waited on hand and foot" sound to you?

Asked by Jeruba (56211points) September 2nd, 2024

Usually mentioned in a context of luxury, even royalty, the expression signifies being so enviably pampered and spoiled that you need hardly spend any effort in doing anything for yourself. Everything is done for you, from meals and laundry to dressing, fixing your hair, and putting on your jewelry.

It’s often used metaphorically to suggest someone’s being overindulged and catered to beyond any necessity.

Does that sound like something you would enjoy?

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21 Answers

cookieman's avatar

Not in the least. I don’t like it when my wife fixes me a plate. I’m what you might call ‘toxically independent’.

janbb's avatar

Foot maybe, but hand and foot – never!

jca2's avatar

Being waited on hand and foot is unimaginable to me. I enjoy and need private time, that’s just my personality, and being waited on hand and foot means someone would have to be around constantly. I wouldn’t mind someone to come clean my house and do my laundry, but those things are not constants. As far as everything else, no thank you. I really would like to be left alone.

canidmajor's avatar

I associate it with being desperately ill, so my associations are about being infirm, fatigued, helpless, and in pain. Been there, done that, more than once.

I’ll pass, thanks.

Love_my_doggie's avatar

Not for me.

I’ve spent too much time in various eldercare facilities, amid people who can no longer perform the activities of daily living—bathing, grooming, using a toilet, dressing and undressing, transferring among beds and chairs to standing, feeding themselves, etc. Such people yearn for the times when they were independent and capable of self-care.

As long as I’m able, I’ll enjoy being responsible for myself.

KNOWITALL's avatar

No, like @cookieman, also very independent and a control freak. I do it all from laundry to yard work to bills, happily. And make his plate.ha!

flutherother's avatar

When making a cup of tea, half the pleasure comes from boiling the kettle in anticipation and putting just the right amount of tea leaves in the teapot. I might even select a piece of cake to have with it. It is an ancient ceremony I learned of my parents and their parents before them and I don’t want anyone to take that from me.

Dutchess_III's avatar

At this point in my life it would be a dream.

JLeslie's avatar

Too extreme, but I would be ok with some help and pampering. Especially, in the realm of doing things for my husband. I need someone to wait on him hand and foot. He’s not even very demanding, I just feel compelled to do things for him, or because of him, and if I had a maid to cook and clean, the best part would be in terms of my marriage.

YARNLADY's avatar

I think I would like it as long as the person doing the work was fairly compensated.

seawulf575's avatar

Nope, I would not enjoy it. I have spent my entire life being self-sufficient and doing all things for myself. When someone tries taking care of me it makes me uncomfortable.

LostInParadise's avatar

The image that I have is of a king or queen who has servants to take care of the small matters, so they can concentrate on matters of state.

jca2's avatar

I remember reading once describing the life of Diana, Princess of Wales, and that the servants ran her bathwater for her, (which was not an insult to her, as the description was saying that this is the way all the royals lived – Elizabeth, Charles, etc.). I remember thinking how odd it would be, if it were me, to stand there like a helpless while the servant turned the faucets on the tub.

JLeslie's avatar

@jca2 If I was busy otherwise it sounds ok to me. For example if I was undressing after a long day of standing and interacting with people or I was putting my kids to bed and my husband drew me a bath, I would be grateful.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Someone please do my dishes and wash my windows! PLEASE!

Love_my_doggie's avatar

^^^ I’ll be right there!

Dutchess_III's avatar

Grumbling….I did them.

bob_'s avatar

The saying itself sounds kind of weird? The treatment I’d be fine with.

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