General Question

YARNLADY's avatar

Do you buy an anniversary gift for your spouse?

Asked by YARNLADY (46773points) September 2nd, 2024

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11 Answers

JLeslie's avatar

Rarely. If we do something fun near the date we will decide it’s for our anniversary.

snowberry's avatar

This year we celebrated quietly at home. It might be our last.

Blackwater_Park's avatar

We typically decide what we are doing together. Gifts usually are not part of the equation.

chyna's avatar

When I was married, we did buy each other gifts.

seawulf575's avatar

I used to buy her something every anniversary. Now we have settled on a mini-vacation for a couple of days every year.

cookieman's avatar

Birthday, Anniversary, Christmas, Valentines — every year for over 39 years.

Love_my_doggie's avatar

It varies from year-to-year.

Our #33 was last week (08/25/24). I gave him a nice card but no gift. He surprised me with a lovely card and a gorgeous pair of earrings.

We’re not sticklers, and neither of us keeps score. Some years, I’ll find something he likes, but not get a gift in return. Other times, the opposite. Either way is fine with us both.

Pandora's avatar

Not really. We both have just about everything we need and buy our own stuff when we need it. Neither one of us like the idea of wasting money on unnecessary items. We have more jewelry and clothes than we need. So our only thing is travel when we can and on occasions he will buy me flowers but most times the kids beat him in that since I tell them I have everything I need. I usually just make him something he wants to eat that I don’t make often or we go out to eat and I will give him an anniversary card with a hand written note.

YARNLADY's avatar

We just had our 49th, and we have been attending the Hot Jazz Jubilee for the last few years. He gave me the first year as a gift, and we both have loved it ever since.

RocketGuy's avatar

No, more often we just plan a vacation around that time.

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