Social Question
The state highway department is widening a road next to a cemetery. How will the souls (or ghosts) react to being so close to traffic?
Asked by elbanditoroso (33634)
September 3rd, 2024
There’s a state road near me that used to be two lanes; the highway department is making it four lanes with a center turn lane for neighborhoods.
To get enough width, the state took 20–30 feet from one side and put up a large concrete wall to separate the new road right-of-way from the cemetery. Graves are now 4–5 feet from the concrete wall as opposed to 30–35 feet from the (old) roadway.
How will the souls of the buried people feel about increased traffic noise and constant driving activity taking place so close to them?
Is there a risk driving on the (newly widened) road late at night? WIll the cemetery’s ghosts take revenge on noisy speeding trucks?
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