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mazingerz88's avatar

Is the judge who delayed sentencing Trump until after the election playing politics?

Asked by mazingerz88 (29382points) September 6th, 2024 from iPhone

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27 Answers

Tropical_Willie's avatar

No I just think he delayed so Trump could vote one more time, his last!

Dutchess_III's avatar

Maybe to see if he wins first? If he wins he can pardon himself
If he DOES win maybe they’ll delay sentencing another 4 years?

janbb's avatar

@Dutchess_III He can’t pardon himself in a state case.

LadyMarissa's avatar

If 45 goes in this year, there will NOT be another election in 4 years as he just won’t allow it unless he’s become bored. This could easily be our LAST election!!!

smudges's avatar

^^ Alarmist.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

@smudges They must complete their sentence, in all states, including in most states any probation.

janbb's avatar

@Tropical_Willie In Florida, I believe, a felon has to pay all their fines and any bills in arrears before being given back the right to vote.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

@janbb Yes, but they first have to complete their prison sentence.

janbb's avatar

@Tropical_Willie Yes, but so far Trump doesn’t have a prison sentence.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

That is the point, after November 26th he can’t VOTE…..... 34 felony counts ! One to five years for each ? ? ?

seawulf575's avatar

Probably. Every time the lefties brought charges against Trump, his support rose with voters. When they hold sham trials and find him guilty, his support goes up. I think this activist judge is really looking at two things. One is he doesn’t want to make a big stink right before the election and give Trump another big jump in the polls. The other thing is that I don’t think he believes the case will hold up to an appeal that is going on right now. So rather than throw gasoline onto the fire, he will just hold off. He already made a lot of horrible decision in the trial for which there is no reasonable excuse. If he tried putting Trump in jail now, all of those would just come right to the forefront and he would have to try explaining himself.

elbanditoroso's avatar

Just the opposite – not playing politics.

If the sentencing had been before November, the judge would have been accused of trying to change votes by his actions. This was actually a conservate move by the judge – let the elections happen and stay uncriticized.

Keep in mind that this whole lawsuit was delayed for months by Trump and his lawyers, who were trying to ‘run out the clock’.

mazingerz88's avatar

^^But delaying it also opens him up to that exact same accusation…right?

I’m interested in knowing if this delay was so unusual compared to other cases and if it should even be compared to other cases at all.

@seawulf575 You had me until “He already made a lot…”

Tropical_Willie's avatar

Trump’s lard ass is in JAIL in November ! !

smudges's avatar

@Tropical_Willie You can vote in Vermont and Maine while in prison. Some prisoners in Mississippi, Alaska and Alabama can vote while incarcerated, depending on their convictions. However, he won’t be in any of those prisons, if he goes to prison at all. That’s yet to be determined. I’ll believe it when I see it.

seawulf575's avatar

@elbanditoroso What you just described is a political move by the judge. It wasn’t based solely on the crime and “justice”. It was based on political views and how to keep out of the crosshairs. But then, postponing sentencing this long was a political move to start with.

seawulf575's avatar

@mazingerz88 Sorry to turn you off with that, but it is how I see it. He was not the right person for the job to start with and should have recused himself based on NY State Judicial ethics because a close family member is making beaucoups bucks off the case. He, himself, failed to disclose his financial statements which is required by law and there is evidence that shows he made lots and lots of campaign contributions to nothing but Democrats and some of them are questionable based on them being directly to the Biden/Harris campaign. When he is presiding over the chief political rival and he is making campaign contributions his bias is questionable. He is being sued for these things. The gag orders he laid on Trump (that all the judges have felt at ease doing) are a direct violation of his 1st amendment rights. His last minute orders to the jury were sketchy as well, changing the entire scope of the trial as the case is being turned over to them. The trial is all about Trump being sleazy yet the judge is amassing quite a list of issues himself.

jca2's avatar

I am not a Trump lover or any kind of defender of Trump, but let’s face it, it would be very difficult to have someone in jail and being protected by the Secret Service at the same time. How would it even work, from a practical standpoint?

I’m sure the judge was thinking from a selfish place, as well, knowing that if he puts Trump in jail, the Trump lovers will dox him and look to eradicate him. He would be in fear for his personal safety and the safety of his family members.

seawulf575's avatar

@jca2 There is that as well. Putting Trump in jail would mean you’d basically have to have a separate prison for just him. The alternative would be to put him in solitary, not let him have any free time where gen pop could be near him and that would be seen as cruel and unusual punishment. Especially for the garbage he was charged with.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

He will do time, maybe in Mar-A-Lago or New jersey—- no computers and no phone.

All by himself (Secret Service outside his room). Maybe 5 to 10 years with NO COMPUTER NO PHONE !

LadyMarissa's avatar

Judge Merchan is an Obama appointed judge who has NO reason to kiss 45’s ass. I see him as a Jack Smith equivalent who wants to put 45 in jail & is tired of playing 45’s game. If he sends him to jail before the election that will just make 45 a martyr. His minions will just send him MORE money & possibly be un-american enough to attack our country. PLUS 45 would just file an appeal to postpone until after the election. He’s tired of playing 45’s game so he’s taking control & beating him to the punch by taking the possibility of appeal off the table until after the election. 45 wins, he’s going to pardon himself & he won’t be going to jail. Harris/Walz wins, he gets the pleasure of sentencing him to jail.

Merchan grew up in Columbia under a dictator rule until he came to the US & he truly believes in & appreciates the American justice system. I see this as his way of protecting the fools who are too blind to see or care!!!

Dutchess_III's avatar

We were told above that he can’t pardon himself on state charges.

seawulf575's avatar

@LadyMarissa “His minions will just send him MORE money & possibly be un-american enough to attack our country” So what is American? Weaponizing the government to keep your political opponent from running for office? Is that American? Is taking what could be a misdemeanor at the time something happened, at best, and cobbling it into a Frankenstein case that you can call a felony just to go after someone you don’t like…is that American? How about a Judge presiding over a trial when he has crazy ethics issues just so he can punish someone to benefit for himself and/or his children? Is that American? Please…define American for me.

janbb's avatar

And black is white and white is black – through the looking glass.

seawulf575's avatar

^Yep. And that is why it is necessary with you sorts to give definitions, to ensure we aren’t on opposite sides of that looking glass. Since you felt so inclined to jump in, why don’t you give it a go? What is the definition of American that would say all the things going on are American yet somehow Trump is un-American?

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