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elbanditoroso's avatar

What are the chances that Trump sounds like an irrational blithering idiot at the debate tonight?

Asked by elbanditoroso (33724points) September 10th, 2024

Given the recent reports of his word salad speeches and strange unfounded ravings, I think the chances are 60% or more that he speaks in gibberish.

Anyone else’s opinion?

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49 Answers

jca2's avatar

He will, and it will make no difference to those who love him. They love love love him no matter what.

He is now talking about prosecuting his opposition and putting them in jail for a long, long time. This is talk that we’d expect from Chinese leaders, or Russian leaders or Venezuelan leaders but not someone in the US. It’s crazy.

smudges's avatar

I’d say 70–75% sounds good. Believe it or not, I’ve never actually listened to him…never. I think I’ll tune in tonight.

ragingloli's avatar

He always sounds like the irrational blithering idiot that he is, so the probability is 100%.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

Trump will, at some point, go into “word salad” for at least 90 seconds, while doing “accordion hands” !

jca2's avatar

He better be careful because people are going to start saying he’s old and senile.

janbb's avatar

^^ I wish they would.

jca2's avatar

I think he’s going to sound angry and possibly unhinged. I think he had an easy race against Biden but once Harris stepped in, it changed things up and now it’s not such an easy road.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

I wish the media would call out his gaffes , slurs, like they did with Biden.
As for the debate I just hope he is himself.

Blackwater_Park's avatar

I mean Harris is the queen of word salad. Trump is clear “me me me me…” Biden’s gaffes were blatant and embarrassing. Kamala can’t hold a conversation. It’s going to be a shit show from any angle you look from

flutherother's avatar

He is starting to look pale and wrinkled like an orange passed its sell by date.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

@flutherother waiting for him to greenish-blue and fuzzy !

Brian1946's avatar

As a 400-pound pile of penicillin, he’ll finally provide something worthwhile.

chyna's avatar

I’ve got my popcorn.

MrGrimm888's avatar

I’m actually quite interested in how he conducts himself.
To a degree, THIS will be the most important thing he has been involved with in a LONG time.
Trump may be a bit calmer, because there won’t be a crowd.
Really. He still has a lot going for him. He will not lose any votes, that he had going into the debate.
He just needs to appear calm, and not do anything highly offensive and/or stupid.

Trump’s recent public admission that he lost in 2020, could be a sign that he is capable of reading the room. Perhaps, he is learning how to at least move on from some of his lies.
Although, it wouldn’t shock me, if he contradicts himself by saying that the election was stolen again during the debate.

Harris isn’t playing with house money, either.

This will be a historic event.

jca2's avatar

He’s babbling off topic

janbb's avatar

I’m saying it’s 100% from watching it.

jca2's avatar

I think he has trouble focusing.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

He cannot stay on topic and question ! ! !

jca2's avatar

They’re not always muting his mike.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

Waiting for “word salad” . . . but he is missing answers to questions 7 out of 10 times !

janbb's avatar

@Tropical_Willie He’s got his five “talking points” and that’s all he wants to say.

jca2's avatar

He blames January 6 on Pelosi.

jca2's avatar

He still thinks he won last election.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

“WORD SALAD”. keystone pipeline . . . . . question had nothing with it due with it. May no not have been 90 seconds. !

Brian1946's avatar


“They’re not always muting his mike.”

Did he try to interrupt her when his mike was muted?

Brian1946's avatar

I just saw that Taylor Swift is endorsing Kamela Hardass (I like to mess with names).
She concluded her endorsement with, “signed, Childless Cat Lady”. :-D

The Swifties should add about 100 million votes to Hairyass’s total come November. JK?
I may not be too far off with that prediction, because she has 284 million followers!
However, I don’t know how many of them are actual US voters.

jca2's avatar

@Brian1946 don’t forget many of those followers might not be of voting age.

Brian1946's avatar


That’s why I said, “I don’t know how many of them are actual US voters”.

That statement was meant to include not only those of voting age, but also US citizens who are registered to vote.

But I agree with you, I don’t want to wish cast the election results with unhatched chickens. ;-)

Also, I might have added the above remark after my pre-edited post.

flutherother's avatar

What we should expect: A formal discussion about a subject where people have different views. Different facts and opinions are presented by each side during the discussion.

What we shouldn’t expect “In Springfield, they’re eating the dogs, the people that came in, they’re eating the cats”. “They’re eating the pets of the people that live there.”

ragingloli's avatar

And he will still receive about half of the votes.

janbb's avatar

^^ And that is what is truly scary. He should be booed off the national stage.

jca2's avatar

I was impressed with Harris.

elbanditoroso's avatar

Full disclosure. I only watched the first 30 minutes; it was depressing. I turned it off when he started his ramble about the army generals that “I fired” (he said) because they weren’t doing their jobs. What a complete shit!

In reading the news accounts of the debate, it seems to be universally recognized (except, of course, Fox) that Harris dominated the debate and Trump was reeling.

Let’s see what happens in 7 weeks.

smudges's avatar

And that’s why I don’t watch debates. Within 20 minutes I could see where it was going and it just made me angry that he was dodging questions. I thought the moderators did a good job, considering who they had to work with.

chyna's avatar

I’m changing the words to Hall and Oates song in honor of the debate.
“Watch out here they come, they are dog eaters.”

janbb's avatar

@chyna LOL

I read that Lindsey Graham said it was a disaster for Trump right after in the spin room. I went in and out of watching; I just can’t stand seeing him talk. We’ll see if it makes any difference.

Forever_Free's avatar

@chyna LOL. Dog eating topic finally made it into Presidential view. Founding Fathers are rolling in their graves.

jca2's avatar

Dogs, cats, geese and swans lol.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

But the Don Father’s base will believe it no matter what, he also brought up post birth abortion really?
But the evangelical frightwing will believe that as well.

jca2's avatar

I’m glad the moderators pointed out that his lie about the babies was untrue.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

That and the eating of cats and dogs was totally untrue.
But his idiot base will still believe him.

elbanditoroso's avatar

I think that the cats and dogs thing is wishful thinking on the part of the republicans. When they take over the government violently and shred the constitution, and destroy the economic system (all part pf the 2025 plan), there will be no food manufactured.

So the republicans are planning, themselves, to eat cats and dogs. And when they have killed all of those, they will eat democrats.

jca2's avatar

I think Harris did a lot of practice and it was evident. Plus she has her prosecutor experience. Trump did minimal practice because he’s overly confident and probably was thinking since he’s been on the debate stage before, it wasn’t necessary

flutherother's avatar

I would have said that eating cats was a subject best avoided in interview situations but Trump knows his audience better than me.

jca2's avatar

I was listening to a radio show before where they tend to be somewhat conservative, and they were blaming the moderators for Trump not doing well. They also said the moderators fact checked him more than they did her, for example, when they said they contacted the Mayor of Springfield OH and he (the Mayor) said there were no incidents of people eating dogs, or when they said that it’s not legal in any state to kill babies.

I was actually thinking they were generous with Trump because despite the “muted mike” rule, they let him go and talk when he wasn’t supposed to. Harris, for the most part, didn’t do that. When it was not her turn, she didn’t speak.

janbb's avatar

@jca2 and that’s what he always does. They “fact checked” him more because he lied more; they are weaponizing the judicial system against him because that’s what he plans to do if he is elected.

chyna's avatar

@janbb said exactly what I was going to say. Thanks Jan!

jca2's avatar

@janbb Yes, I totally understand. I was just saying what the other side is crying about.

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