What's the answer to the following question?
I want to play a game with you. I’ll ask you a question in Italian, with five options. You must answer the question to the best of your knowledge without cheating, ie searching on the internet. You can, however, ask your friends, your parents, your online friends. If you don’t want to post it here, pm me the answer and I’ll tell you if it’s correct. Here’s the question:
Durante la “mamoiada”, un carnevale sardo, quale di questi accessori non è usato?
1) bastone
2) berretto
3) maschera di legno
4) vello di pecora
5) campanacci
Have fun!
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24 Answers
I forgot to post it to social. Could you ask the mods please?
#4. I don’t speak or read Italiano so just a guess ha!
How is this a game? If I ask you a question in a language that you don’t know, you wouldn’t know the answer, so how would we know the answer to this unless we speak Italian??
6. Mamma Mia! Its a me! Mario! I make a da pizza!
I’m triangulating off Latin studied ~60 years ago, randomly known cognates in Romance languages, and what little Italian I pick up as an operagoer and menu reader. (German was more my speed.) So I pick #1, regarding it as an 85% wild guess.
@ragingloli posted while I was composing, and I’d put my money on her choice, but I’ve already guessed.
I’m guessing the question refers to a carnival of some kind and that the question is asking what is not used during that time. So I would guess #3, assuming it refers to a mask of some kind.
I know no Italian but like @Jeruba, I’m guessing from cognates.
@janbb, I made pretty much the same interpretation as you, but I thought a mask would be used, so I picked the one that sounded like, oh, I don’t know, a musical instrument or some kind of container.
@luigirovatti, I like your puzzle. Let’s have another one.
Let’s have t he answer to this one first!
My guess is bastone.
I feel pretty sure berreto, maschera, and campanacci might be part of a carnevale in Italy. Bastone and pecora I’m not so sure, I think I know what bastone likely is, so I’m going with that.
First of all sorry for the late reply. I wanted to give you 12–24hs to familiarize with the question.
Second, I had to post the question in Italian because I didn’t want to alter its original meaning and I’m not a goid translator. For any problems, obviously you have google translate.
In any case, here’s the question in English:
During the “mamoiada”, a Sardinian carnival, which of these accessories is not used?
1) stick
2) hat
3) wooden mask
4) sheep fleece
5) cowbells
I got must of that. except Sardinia. So what is the answer?
I understood most of it too, or guessed well anyway. I’m still with 1 or 4. Is it in the winter? Maybe that would narrow my answer to number 1.
@janbb you think a mask is the item not used? Masks are something I associate with Italians. Venetian masks during carnival. I think maybe you meant masks were used and didn’t read the question thoroughly.
@JLeslie I understood perfectly and that’s why the fact that it’s in Sardinia is significant. It would be a surprising fact for masks not to be used in a certain carnival and that’s why I guessed that is the answer. Of course, it’s just a guess.
@luigirovatti You specifically told us not to use google or the internet. If I’d known I could, I would have and then I’d know the answer! LOL I choose #4.
@janbb I might be misunderstanding you. Admittedly, my comprehension is not always stellar. Are you saying you think masks would not be used in Sardinia? The question asks which item is not used.
During the “mamoiada”, a Sardinian carnival, which of these accessories is not used?
I was just pointing it out in case you wanted to change your answer, but as I said, I might be misunderstanding.
The right answer is 1). I made a typo however: it’s not sheep “fleece” but sheep skin.
So. What is the translation of the question?
Well now I’m confused. A “stick” of some kind, is surely used…
@MrGrimm888 Why do you think a stick is used?
I guessed bastone would be like a cop’s baton or nightstick, I wasn’t sure. I wonder if the translation is a stick like a tree branch?
^Well. A “stick,” could be many things.
Italians probably stir their coffee, with a “stick.” And so on.
Even a baton, or noghtstick, would likely be on the belt of law enforcement helping with the event.
I don’t know. Maybe, it’s a riddle?
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