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raum's avatar

Can you move your big toe side to side?

Asked by raum (13682points) September 13th, 2024 from iPhone

As asked.

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34 Answers

Kardamom's avatar

Yes, but just barely. I’d never considered it before until I read this question, so I tried it and it was harder than I thought. I had to push my other toes downward and out of the way for it to work.

raum's avatar

That visual made me giggle.

Move out of the way!
I’m trying to do something here!

chyna's avatar

Sadly, no.

smudges's avatar

Yes, but only on my right one. I guess I’m “right-toed”.

canidmajor's avatar

Nope. But today I have posted on Qs with sap-butts, sex in space, and now, toe agility.
This is a good day. :-)

Dutchess_III's avatar

Damn it! No.
But I can wiggle my little toe all over, independent of the other toes. Can you do that?

canidmajor's avatar

Me! @Dutchess_III, I can!! Yay us! While people are watching the big toe, our stealth little toes will be domina5ing the universe!!!

chyna's avatar

The talented people here on fluther is amazing!

raum's avatar

I only recently realized that not everyone can do this. My family is about split down the middle convinced that the other half has weird toes. Wasn’t sure what the norm was. It seems like majority is leaning towards not being able to do this?

Thanks for wiggling your toes to answer my question!

@canidmajor and @Dutchess_III I’m onto your little toe shenanigans!

Dutchess_III's avatar

^^^Right on!

canidmajor's avatar

So much for stealth.

Hawaii_Jake's avatar

I can’t. Now I feel somehow incomplete.

canidmajor's avatar

@Hawaii_Jake Check your little toe, @Dutchess_III and I are forming a club.

jca2's avatar

I can.

Hawaii_Jake's avatar

@canidmajor I can move my little toe side to side a little. :D

Brian1946's avatar

I can’t, because my big toes were transplanted to my hands to replace my thumbs, which were lost in a failed effort to remain master of my domain. ;-(

Incoherency_'s avatar


Do you think that your toe-thumbs are adequate opposable digits?

Brian1946's avatar


I do, and I can move them from side to side!

I wonder if that means I can answer yes to this OP.

raum's avatar

I wonder what qualifies as a fully-opposable toe?

Dutchess_III's avatar

Apes, except us, got em

Brian1946's avatar

@Jane Goodall

“Apes, except us, got em”

Good to know- I’m a bipedal bonobo! ;-D

raum's avatar

Just googled it. It’s a digit that can rotate to face the other digits on the same hand/feet. Definitely can’t do that, @Brian1946!

Dutchess_III's avatar

^Like your thumb.

Brian1946's avatar

I also like @raum‘s thumb! ;-)

jca2's avatar

@raum squirrels have opposable toes so when they climb down trees, the toes hang them so they don’t fall off.

raum's avatar

@Dutchess_III and @Brian1946 I like your thumbs too. :P

@jca2 Okay, now I’m totally going to be a weirdo staring at squirrel toes next time I’m at the park.

Brian1946's avatar


“I wonder what qualifies as a fully-opposable toe?”

Not only do I consider your thumbs to be my chums, I also refuse to oppose your toes! ;-p

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