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SQUEEKY2's avatar

Should Trump be sued for falsely using a AI image of Taylor Swift on his web site?

Asked by SQUEEKY2 (23598points) September 14th, 2024

In case you missed it it was a AI image of her endorsing Trump, totally fake but surprise the right had no problem with it.
Now they have a freak out that she now has endorsed Harris.

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26 Answers

canidmajor's avatar

Yes. Absolutely.

gondwanalon's avatar

Taylor Swift? Is that a robot generated with AI. Anyway, never heard of him.

smudges's avatar

She should have some legal recourse.

JLeslie's avatar


Luckily, it looks like it is going to backfire on him politically.

seawulf575's avatar

Since it isn’t a licensed image, I’d guess she has no legal recourse at all. She can squawk if she likes, but then anyone that ever posts one of her pics without her permission or <gasp!> makes a meme of her should be under the same threat of suit. He didn’t threaten her, he didn’t defame her…he made a joke. The last time I checked, the left hasn’t completely outlawed humor yet.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

Wulfie it was a AI generated image of her endorsing Trump,how could it be licensed?
And I’ll bet dollars to donuts her image is licensed, he didn’t make so he isn’t in trouble for that, what is going to fry his ass he posted it that is what’s wrong, he would be in a lot less trouble if he had put on that post that it was satire,but your hero didn’t do that nice deflection for playing the humor card though,now can you tell me why the frightwing is having a melt down over Swift telling people to register and vote, she isn’t saying how to vote just vote,and rightwingers are so mad, golly why?

smudges's avatar

Musicians and actors sue when a commercial uses their music to promote something or their image to promote a product that they haven’t endorsed. It’s not any different. If he had simply posted an AI image of her that would be one thing, but saying she endorses trump is absolutely a lie.

“Jessica Silbey, a professor at Boston University School of Law and an intellectual property and constitutional law expert, told Billboard Monday that Trump’s fake endorsement post likely violates Swift’s right of publicity, which controls how your name, image and likeness are used by others.”

“Everyone enjoys a right of publicity,” Silbey told Billboard. “This kind of use—being made to say and seen as believing things you don’t—is at the core of the right.”

“Sibley also told Billboard that Swift could look to sue Trump or his campaign for defamation over claims that the false presidential endorsement harmed her reputation.”

“In addition, 10 states, including Swift’s home state of Tennessee, have enacted legislation to regulate deepfakes, which could give her additional room to sue Trump or his campaign.”

JLeslie's avatar

I know celebrities sue rag magazines for lying and misrepresenting them and win, so I’m inclined to think she can sue. That is probably often under libel.

Ads like this are an unauthorized use of the celebrities identity. There are laws about that.

MrGrimm888's avatar

The line for suing Trump, is pretty long…
I would add, a person’s public endorsement of a candidate, is a pretty big deal. I’m sure her lawyers, are keeping an eye on the situation.

She may have an easy case, but not want to bring it. I can see her being content with the removal of the image.

filmfann's avatar

@seawulf575 I may be a bit dense here, but how is a fake endorsement humor?

seawulf575's avatar

@filmfann The picture was a repost of something someone posted on Social Media. How can it be taken as anything OTHER than humor? The post included pictures of some “Swifties for Trump” on it. That would be a group that are huge Taylor Swift fans, yet support Trump and it is a real thing. I found it funny. Him reposting something someone else posted and just adding “I accept” is an obvious joke and certainly not a campaign ad.

LadyMarissa's avatar

NO…He wouldn’t pay it & I received a LOT more pleasure thinking of the meltdown he was having as Swift graciously spanked his tushie while saying loud & clear, I’m supporting Kamala. You do your own research & decide who you like!!!

jca2's avatar

It might be the reason why she felt a need to put out the Insta post that made it clear who she supports.

A friend told me she thinks it’s odd that more people care about Swift’s endorsement than Liz and Dick Cheney’s endorsement. Taylor Swift is literally a phenomenon, kind of like Elvis, and Liz and Dick Cheney are not.

JLeslie's avatar

^^Agree! I compare her to Madonna popularity back in the 80’s and 90’s.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

Wulfie that AI image of Trump running with two kittens being chased by black people, think the right would laugh it off if the left took it and posted (you better vote for Harris I’ll be to busy saving kittens from being ate) think the right would just laugh it off?

seawulf575's avatar

@SQUEEKY2 I would. It’s goofy stuff. If Kamala reposted it, good for her.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

Hey wulfie now the Don Father posted I HATE TAYLOR SWIFT, with deranged base someone might take it to harm her that could be taken as a threat.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

If we say anything negative against your hero you scream we are just Trump haters,so how do you defend his post against Swift?

seawulf575's avatar

@SQUEEKY2 Sorry, hoss. It is the lefties that get triggered by the rhetoric. Besides, he didn’t say anything that made her a threat. Now if he had said she was a threat to Democracy….

seawulf575's avatar

@SQUEEKY2 As for the negatives about Trump, I really don’t care if you like him or not. But if you ever notice, I (a) don’t take things the same way you guys try to blow them out of proportion and (b) don’t buy into the misinformation you spew. It is pretty much never that I get upset about factual things.

By your logic, No matter what you say, I should jump on board and agree. So does the opposite work as well? If I say something bad about Democrats, Biden, Kamala, Walz, or any other top figure, should not argue with me or call me names? Shouldn’t you just jump on board and agree?

SQUEEKY2's avatar

WTF do you mean he didn’t say anything that made her a threat??
TRUMP saying I HATE TAYLOR SWIFT! doesn’t make her a threat but could put her in danger from one of his die hard loyalists.
Sorta like the FBI office that was attacked after they searched Mar a lago for documents.
Or Pelosi’s husband getting attacked by a Trump lover.

MrGrimm888's avatar

Wulf. I don’t think anyone, is trying to convert you to the left.

Nobody, is allowed to spread misinformation, on Fluther.

You’re getting dangerously close to “is Wulf a Russian election influencer/agitator?” again…

SQUEEKY2's avatar

Yuh know I never thought of that could be very true.

seawulf575's avatar

@SQUEEKY2 I hate Taylor Swift is not inciting violence or making her a threat. It is an opinion at the very most. I used to like Taylor Swift, but I recently decided she is a POS, and it has nothing to do with her endorsement of Kamala or her battle with Trump. I has to do with Toby Keith. Toby Keith was the one that discovered her and helped her break into the music business. He died in February and she never once even acknowledged him or his impact on her. So…I think Taylor Swift is a POS. Did I just make her a threat? No.

But interesting that you feel “I hate Taylor Swift” is a threat but “Trump is Hitler”, “Trump is an existential threat to our nation”, Trump is a racist”, “Trump is a threat to democracy”, “MAGA Republicans are a domestic terror threat” are all acceptable, peaceful speech, not making him a threat at all, even thought that word is used frequently.

jca2's avatar

I had never heard that about Toby Keith, but I admit to not being much of a country music fan, so I felt it was not out of the realm of possibility that I was just unaware. I also admit to not knowing that much about Taylor Swift. I like some of her music but I wouldn’t necessarily call myself a Taylor Swift fan.

I googled it and found this:

SQUEEKY2's avatar

That link said Keith did not play a big part in launching Swifts career, might have played a small part in the beginning but that’s all, should she have acknowledged that at the time of Kieth’s passing maybe.
But Wulfie what you are totally ignoring or can’t see is your man-god saying he hates Talyor paints a target on her back for his deranged base to do her harm, like I pointed out that again you ignored the guy that attacked the FBI office after they searched Mar a lago, or the attack onPelosi’s husband by a devote Trumper.

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