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Demosthenes's avatar

Why do they keep trying to kill Trump now?

Asked by Demosthenes (15426points) September 15th, 2024

Why not in 2016 or 2020? What is it about this particular election that is attracting so many would-be assassins?

I’ll be surprised if this shooter didn’t turn out to be a Swiftie. ;)

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16 Answers

JLeslie's avatar

He didn’t look like a Swiftie, but can’t judge a book by its cover.

I can’t figure it out either, why now? Maybe because we are post Jan 6 and people finally saw how out-of-hand and dangerous things have become. Except, trying to kill an ex-president is pretty out-of-hand too. Maybe once one attempt happens, then copycats come out of the woodwork.

They need to get Trump more security until the election is over. This is just crazy.

jonsblond's avatar

Melania has hired an assassin because of his infidelities with Loomer.

elbanditoroso's avatar

Why are the assassins’ aims so bad? If you’re going to make the effort to use a gun, the very least you can do is learn how to use it.

@Demosthenes – Trump makes himself an easy target – I think he believes he is immune and indestructible.

My theory, by the way, is that he paid the assassin to do the job, because he (Trump) needed some attention after his disastrous debate.

Narcissists thrive on attention.

JLeslie's avatar

^^I’m hearing a lot of people saying it was done by Trump’s team for attention. How do they get someone to risk jail and death? Does he have a terminal illness? So brainwashed he will sacrifice himself?

mazingerz88's avatar

Getting the would be assassin’s take on this would help enlighten.

To speculate why now, could be after Trump non-verbally confirmed he will let Putin take Ukraine? He gave that answer by not answering it in the debate.

elbanditoroso's avatar

I wonder if Loomer set up the camera to film the attempt so she could stream it on her Instagram page. She is a self-proclaimed ‘influencer’, after all.

Blackwater_Park's avatar

It’s a copycat social contagion thing now. There will likely be more.

smudges's avatar

Why? Isn’t it obvious? His history has shown what he is and the lengths he will go to in order to get his way. Damn the torpedoes, full speed ahead! It scares people.

smudges's avatar

@Blackwater_Park Maybe someone will get lucky.

Blackwater_Park's avatar

@smudges I don’t like Trump but I would not say anything like that.

MrGrimm888's avatar

Crooks, waa only 20 years old.
He wasn’t old enough.

seawulf575's avatar

@Demosthenes It might not be anything particularly special about this election, it might just be 8 full years of saying he is a threat to democracy, a Russian plant, an insurrectionist, a xenophobe, a pedophile, a misogynist, a sexual predator, a racist, and God knows what else. After that much propaganda, it might be starting to leak through people’s minds. Or it might be that he stopped Hillary from being president after Obama. He then worked to make America good again as a nation, not as another cog in the wheel. Biden was the puppet that was supposed to bring things back and that fell through. Those that want America to fail are tired of Trump butting in on their plans. That’s why all the lawfare started as soon as he said he was going to run again.

I know there are a lot of people that buy into the propaganda. But honestly, if you look at what he was doing as POTUS most of it came down to boosting the economy, leveling the playing field on trade with other countries, and minimizing the over reach of the Federal government. A dictator-wannabe wouldn’t do those things. That isn’t how dictators get to be dictators. They get there by pushing for large, bloated government that has control over every aspect of people’s lives. They do that by first promising free stuff for everyone until the people have no more rights. That isn’t what Trump has done, nor has he shown any inkling of wanting to do that.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

Hey you missed convicted felon and fraud (Trump University) both FACTS !

Not from lefty Dems or MSM but facts !

tinyfaery's avatar

Are they though?

MrGrimm888's avatar

Trump is suffering from his own words, and actions. It’s VERY simple.

He may be able to sleeze his way through his current troubles, because of his deliberate planting of judges around the country and in the SCOTUS, but the public has seen and heard it all straight from Trump’s mouth.
The SCOTUS, can protect him, from being held accountable for his actions through normal legal processes, but that’s where Trump’s web of protection breaks down.
I firmly believe, he never remotely thought about people assassinating him, because the right thinks the left is so weak and gun-less.

The many people Trump, and his cronies have slandered or defamed, have had their personal lives ruined. It seems only fair, that Trump’s words would actually cause him harm eventually.

He’s spent his life, bullying others, and calling for violence the past 8 years. He has threatened many groups and types of people, and insulted everyone at some point.

Now. He’s not safe at his precious rallies, OR his home. I’m just going to cry all night, for poor Trump….

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