^We can’t chain pregnant women down, until they give birth.
I’m NOT condoning pregnant women using illicit drugs. Not ar all.
I know that the women I’ve known in my life, have handled pregnancy in many different ways. But mostly, they try to do right by the unborn child, if they plan on “keeping” the child.
I have a LOT of behaviors, that I would like pregnant women to adhere to. But. I’m not the woman.
Some of my friends who had kids, smoked cigarettes (unquestionably worse,) before they found out they were pregnant.
According to a few of those girls, their doctors told them that flat quitting smoking, was worse than an “occasional” cigarette.
Something to do, with withdrawal potentially being bad for the pregnancy. So. Some of them quit entirely. Others, did “occasionally” smoke while pregnant.
As a former LEO, I’ve seen far worse.
I even know some horror stories, about women I used to know, and this subject.
I never personally dealt with CPS, or any other government agencies that are designed to protect children. I roughly assume there is some type of law, that could get a pregnant woman placed in an institution, or somewhere, under certain circumstances. However. By and large, most women can essentially do anything they want while pregnant. Society may frown very heavily on it, but thar won’t stop the women from doing things we object to.
For the most part, the baby is at the mercy of its mother, and whatever conditions she is exposed to. Or exposes herself (and by extension her unborn child,) to…
At any rate. I believe that legalization and federal oversight of Marijuana, would be beneficial for the country.
By oversight, I mean some government quality assurances, mainly regarding the product’s safety for consumers.
That would keep fentanyl, out of the weed, and/or any toxic filler(s.)
We already know, the country WILL benefit from the taxation of the sale of legal Marijuana.
We do need to look harder at packaging, how people store it, and what is pushing things too far. They need to figure out how to let banks work with Marijuana based industries legally, and without risk, as well.
There will likely be a need, for continued evaluation of the effects of it in the communities where it is most prevalent. A need for constantly evolving laws. Especially concerning, how to determine if someone is so intoxicated they can’t drive, or be in public.
When it comes to the smoking in public places, I think that if it’s not too disruptive, it should be allowed where tobacco/vapes can be used.
The smell, from most of the vapes, is WAY different than the smoke from weed. Again, as a former LEO, I used to be able to barely smell it, at big events. It was very hard, catching people doing it. There are so many tobacco vape devices, it’s impossible to tell what is what without inspection.
I think, it could be a sort if peace offering, to mj users. We legalize weed, but you have to keep it really out of most public places, or we criminalize it again.
We have similar laws already, for alcohol. You can’t drink alcohol in public, in most places.
In counties in my area, it’s a $1,000 fine, for being caught with alcohol in the streets.
There is not, currently, any real reason for keeping it illegal.
The government doesn’t care, as long as they can tax it.
It will take de-stigmatizing it, to a point.
It’s been deep in American culture, for decade’s. It just doesn’t need to become more than something that is an adult thing.