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SQUEEKY2's avatar

Why do they keep saying Trump barely escaped this second attempt on his life?

Asked by SQUEEKY2 (23531points) September 17th, 2024

From what I have seen the suspect never fired a shot, and the Orange menace was a hole behind where this idiot was waiting.
I am glad no one was hurt not even the Don Father.

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14 Answers

zenvelo's avatar

Who is saying that? All the news I heard was he was never in danger.

janbb's avatar

^^ That’s what heard too.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

His staff on a few news casts.^^^

janbb's avatar

@SQUEEKY2 Sounds like lies to me.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

Me to but The Republicans never lie do they??

Tropical_Willie's avatar

WHO says ?

People he pays . . and gave a bonus to say “he barely escaped”.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

Well yeah but they wouldn’t lie would they?

Tropical_Willie's avatar

For a $10,000 bonus !

elbanditoroso's avatar

It makes for good fund raising on the Trump website. It doesn’t need to be true, in Trumpworld.

Strauss's avatar

If you think everything the Trump campaign says is true, then I have a building I can sell you cheap!

The “Hatian Immigrants Eat Pets” story was a lie! He admitted it on CNN..

If the campaign officials are comfortable spreading dreck like this (The lady found her cat, and actually apologized to her Hatian Immigrant neighbors). then my default reaction is fact check!

seawulf575's avatar

I can see how someone could say it, though you are correct…he was never shot at this time. But think about it this way: Trump was on an unscheduled round of golf. It was not publicly known. Yet somehow this guy knew he would be there. He selected his spot and sat there (or near by) for 12 hours according to the pings on his cell phone. He was only detected because a Secret Service agent that was supposed to patrol at least a hole ahead happened to see a gun barrel sticking out of the fence (according to the story). The Secret Service agents around Trump are supposed to be the last line of defense for him. So it sounds like every other possible protection he could have had was ignored, leaving only the detail with Trump. So trump was only what…a few hundred yards from being in a position where he could have been shot? That’s pretty shady. Next time you are in a position where someone who is specifically gunning for you gets run off when you are only a few hundred yards away, let me know if you feel like you narrowly avoided a SECOND attempt on your life.

YARNLADY's avatar

The whole thing sounds fishy to me. I’m wondering if his own camp somehow arranged it. If you offer a crazy person free room and board in a cushy hospital for the rest of his life, it might work.

seawulf575's avatar

@YARNLADY The only problem with that is the shooter didn’t like Trump.

Forever_Free's avatar

These exagerations come from his own playbook.

Remember when the FBI raied his house for documents? His own statement in a fundraiser email was that he ‘nearly escaped death’ in the FBI raid on Mar-a-Lago

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