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elbanditoroso's avatar

Long term, would the US have been better off annexing Cuba after winning the Spanish-American war?

Asked by elbanditoroso (33446points) 17 hours ago

It’s difficult to speculate why decisions were made 125 years ago. But after the US beat Spain in the Spanish-American war, the US got control of Puerto Rico, Guam, and the Philippines.

The US could have pressed the issue and taken control of Cuba, too, but since (among other reasons) the Spanish American War was about Cuban independence, the US couldn’t really assert control without being seen as hypocritical.

Thinking forward to the 1960s and then to today, would the US have been better off making Cuba a territory or a state? Russia wouldn’t have had the western hemisphere influence that it does. Castro wouldn’t have risen to power, the whole Bay of Pigs fiasco wouldn’t have happened. JFK probably wouldn’t have been assassinated, and the US would have a friendly and productive state to the south.

Was it a mistake to not take Cuba in 1898 as American?

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4 Answers

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

Close enemies keep your citizens in line.

zenvelo's avatar

No. We’ve had enough difficulty with Puerto Rico, and Washington has shown no inclination to let PR go free or to make it a state.

mazingerz88's avatar

Probably! Seems it was a mistake giving the Philippines its independence. Prematurely as it turned out to be. It didn’t take long before a President clung to power and turned dictator.

janbb's avatar

Colonization is almost always a mistake and ultimately a disaster.

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