Meta Question

Blackwater_Park's avatar

Can we get a minor rule change by the mods?

Asked by Blackwater_Park (9010points) 6 hours ago

Can we get a new section or designate general or social as being free of political talk. I’m over it. It has ruined this whole forum when all everyone talks about is politics. The same things over and over.

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5 Answers

Hawaii_Jake's avatar

Only very basic maintenance is done to the site. No enhancements have been done for many years, and none will be done. The site is kept going purely through the good graces of the remaining founder, Ben.

If you look at 3 of the 4 questions below this one, you’ll see there are currently many problems with the site, and they’re not being fixed quickly.

Blackwater_Park's avatar

We can change how it is modded though. Designate one of the three channels as being politics free

canidmajor's avatar

Hahaha, I love how all the “Related” Qs there ——> are political.

raum's avatar

Life is political.

This site isn’t getting updated. I’m just grateful it’s still up and running at all. Scroll on by any question that doesn’t pique your interest. Simple enough.

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

I have an idea. We can make another acronym. Like NSFW, but for no politics please? (NPP) that can be tagged by the OP and/or topic.

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