Social Question

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

Did you ever not interfere with someone's stupidity in order to see what happens?

Asked by RedDeerGuy1 (24802points) 3 hours ago

For example.

I was playing Gauntlet in an arcade, and was fighting a dragon. A kid showed up, and put a whole roll of quarters in, and attached the dragon head on. I was curious so I said nothing. The dragon breathed fire and killed him in three seconds. I had to go so I gave him my character, and moved on.

Did you witness something similar?

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6 Answers

smudges's avatar

I can’t identify with your question because I don’t play games. Do you have an example not involving game-playing?

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

@smudges Not off the top of my head. If I think of one I will list it.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

You mean like watching someone put habanero sauce on their taco.

signage said it was hot.

His face turned red and he started to cry about 15 seconds after biting into the taco !

Forever_Free's avatar

I watched someone eat foam packing peanuts from a shipping box because someone told them they were starting to use real peanuts.

Hawaii_Jake's avatar

Lately, it seems much of American politics is like that.

But I guess I am interfering by actively opposing them and voting.

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