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chyna's avatar

Does anyone have anything to add or say regarding P Diddy’s arrest?

Asked by chyna (51769points) September 20th, 2024 from iPhone

Did this surprise anyone? Were you expecting the arrest? Will he get out or will he crash and burn like Jeffrey Epstein and R. Kelly?

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17 Answers

elbanditoroso's avatar

Throw away the key.

He may be a celebrated rapper and music producer, but from what I read, he’s a despicable piece of shit.

smudges's avatar

I didn’t have a clue, but then, I’m not exactly into his style of music so I don’t keep up with stuff. I agree…throw away the key.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

He may never get out of jail !

Which okay with me.

gorillapaws's avatar

Let’s see if our justice system really is “All About the Benjamins” or if he’ll face the justice he deserves. From everything I’ve heard, he sounds like a perfectly vile chap who should spend the rest of his existence in a locked cell.

Forever_Free's avatar

No surprise to me. I was happy to hear it happen.
I hope he goes the way of Epstein as he deserves it.
I also hope Weinstein retrial and added crimes ensure he stays locked away. I wish the same for Cosby.

jca2's avatar

I saw on the news he’s at the Manhattan Detention Center, which they describe as hell on earth. It’s a far cry from his fancy mansion. He’s on suicide watch. I am glad he’s where he seems to belong.

snowberry's avatar

Is he on suicide watch to prevent suicide, or will they “Epstein” him?

jca2's avatar

Maybe both, but I’m not thinking his victims would want him dead, the way Epstein’s co-conspirators would have wanted him dead.

zenvelo's avatar

Apparently he had so much lube he should be able to slide right out of jail…

KNOWITALL's avatar

I’m hearing trafficking, racketeering and transporting for prostitution. If true i hope they have the evidence and witnesses needed to preosecute to the full extent of the law.
As far as ruining peoples lives via consensual abusive sex and NDA’s, well that’s just part of the business I suppose. Sure are a lot of dead people from his sphere though.

mazingerz88's avatar

If he’s guilty of forcing women into sex acts, debasing themselves against their will, then kudos to the US justice system!

MrGrimm888's avatar

I always suspected at least the minimal stuff. The excessive amount of debauchery, and lewd acts, is another reminder of what happens when people get too much power.
What’s “too much power?”

When a person doesn’t have to face ANY ramifications, for their actions, they usually get worse, AND worse, until they are stopped.

As with Epstein’s CIA Island, a LOT of people, turned the other cheek on him, for decades.

The “victims,” again in this case, were sort of willing participants.
That is to say, most were pursuing a career, or even a night of whatever drug they prefer, not AS worried about whatever they were exposed to.

I’ve seen a LOT, in my day. I have to admit, I have “enabled,” powerful people like him before.
Never with a smile, and I rarely thought much of it, after awhile.
It was just “what it was.”

The video of Mr. Combs in the hotel, where he’s running down a hall with a towel around his waist, and a woman (famous girl,) was seemingly putting on her shoes and trying to leave when he throws her down hard, and kicks her, although terrible is out of context.
That doesn’t mean it was OK. But. To me. It appeared that the woman was probably trying to leave, while he was in the shower. She may have stolen something of his, or maybe a bag of cocaine. I’m NOT victim blaming. But these victims, stayed around him. In that video, to me, unfortunately it shows the girl instantly laying motionless after being thrown down. There’s no sound. But I can almost hear the poor girl crying, as he clearly kicks her (while she’s down,) before dragging her off.
To me, it looked like this wasn’t the first violent interaction she had had with him. Maybe not the 500th time.
But. She found reason, to justify that behavior enough that she stayed in the proximity of a dangerous man.

I remember well, the “M.O.B.” (Money Over Bitches,) mantra, from his guys.
I STILL see those MOB tattoos, especially on athletes.
The women, were very much disposable, to them.
They treated them, like prostitutes, and would think nothing of beating on a woman like a man.
The girls STILL chased money, drugs, fame, and child support from these gangsters.

The Bad Guy, evolves as he is never punished. Thrills, get harder to come by.
They go overboard, and because of who they are, they are not punished.
The “victims,” came willingly, often probably WELL aware of the danger, and nature of what would likely happen.

I heard (no shit,) dude bought lube, in bulk…
He had sex shows, and sex parties, that would last days.
If that doesn’t remind anyone of the wealthy ancient Greeks, as far as what they did with power, it should.

Yes. We will see, if money = power = justice…
Or. If we are no different, than 5,000 years ago…..

chyna's avatar

@MrGrimm888 You are victim blaming. You don’t mention that there were sex tapes that he held against women and men to make them participate in more sex or Freak Offs or he would expose them. He fed them drugs to make them go for days on these freak offs and videoed it all. He threatened their families. He threatened them by carrying guns.
Your explanation of the woman in the hotel being kicked by Diddy is just pure conjecture on your part. You are making up a story that she stole something from him. That has never been something that I have seen or read.
There is even an arson charge against him. I’m not sure what that’s about, but yet another form of control from him.

smudges's avatar

@chyna Thank you! I wanted to say something about making an awful lot of assumptions, but he does that in so many posts I figured why bother.

SnipSnip's avatar

Pandora is looking for her box.

Blackberry's avatar

His perfectly manicured image and god complex on past reality shows (sending people across the city to get you 1 slice of cheese cake) was a dead give away he was evil.

People that desire status and wealth are rarely good people, surprise.

MrGrimm888's avatar

I was just saying, that it was another massive environment, where a LOT of people were aware of what was happening.

I just made some quick comments, so I didn’t have to hear about “text walls.”

I’m certain, there were all kinds of things going on.
Anywhere there’s money, there are potentially issues with people acting out. And as I said, evolving, as they go longer without punishment.

I didn’t make up anything, and call it fact. I even used the words “to me,” to ensure it couldn’t be taken otherwise.
So no, it hasn’t been “seen or read.”
I just sadly have experience with much smaller versions of Combs. He was empowered, enabled, and too many people let it evolve into whatever craziness turns up.
I also expressed disappointment, in myself and society, for occasionally being part of the problem with allowing powerful people to go wild.

Take it, however you please…

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