Social Question

chyna's avatar

Does anyone have anything to add or say regarding P Diddy’s arrest?

Asked by chyna (51499points) 2 hours ago from iPhone

Did this surprise anyone? Were you expecting the arrest? Will he get out or will he crash and burn like Jeffrey Epstein and R. Kelly?

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4 Answers

elbanditoroso's avatar

Throw away the key.

He may be a celebrated rapper and music producer, but from what I read, he’s a despicable piece of shit.

smudges's avatar

I didn’t have a clue, but then, I’m not exactly into his style of music so I don’t keep up with stuff. I agree…throw away the key.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

He may never get out of jail !

Which okay with me.

gorillapaws's avatar

Let’s see if our justice system really is “All About the Benjamins” or if he’ll face the justice he deserves. From everything I’ve heard, he sounds like a perfectly vile chap who should spend the rest of his existence in a locked cell.

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