Social Question

JLeslie's avatar

Would you want to go to a political rally to see your favored politician speak?

Asked by JLeslie (65644points) 2 hours ago from iPhone

If yes, why?

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4 Answers

jca2's avatar

Probably not. If it were a popular politician, such as Harris or Trump, you’d have to arrive hours early. I was watching on the news the other day, Trump was in Long Island (which is about an hour and a half from me), and people were arriving in the morning for his speech which was not until evening. No thanks with that, for me.

If I want to see a local politician, I won’t go out of my way. Sometimes they show up at picnics for the union I used to work with, and they’ll give a quick speech and walk around and shake hands, and if we know them, we may get a hug and a kiss. That’s good enough for me.

flutherother's avatar

I can barely summon up the energy to vote never mind attend a political rally.

canidmajor's avatar

Only for hyperlocal elections, which are, I suppose, less “rallies” than “actually find out what they are planning for the community”.

elbanditoroso's avatar

No. All politicians lie, even the ones I like. Why go and listen to someone lie to my face?

Also, I’m not into crowds, so going there would be a turn-off. (When I was in college, I did go to political rallies, but that’s 50 years ago).

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