Social Question

Jeruba's avatar

How often, on average, do you think about the pope?

Asked by Jeruba (55993points) 2 hours ago

Pope Francis. How frequently do you have some conscious thought of him, however fleeting? Every day? Once a year?

This is not a question about religion or beliefs.

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6 Answers

canidmajor's avatar

Only when something else (usually the TV news) brings him up. Never spontaneously on my own.
I’m sure that will change now that the idea is planted that I might “think about” him. Ugh.

chyna's avatar

^Same here.

JLeslie's avatar

Coincidently, I just talked about him last week with someone. I guess I think about him about 4 times a year.

jca2's avatar

If he’s on the news, which is about three or four times a year, I will. He may be on the news at Christmas, showing him doing a mass, and maybe a few other times a year if he visits somewhere or he’s sick. Other than those three or four times a year, never.

janbb's avatar

As others have said, when there’s a story in the news.

janbb's avatar

Perhaps we should turn it around:

How often does the Pope think about me?

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