General Question

janbb's avatar

Should the term "cross dressing" be abandoned as outdated? (Read details)

Asked by janbb (63125points) 2 hours ago

I see men in fashion magazines in skirts and dresses and the husband of a local singer wears vintage dresses with his Doc Martins. I’m just wondering if it would be freer if we abandoned the concepts of women’s and men’s clothing and let people dress however they want. Would this have an impact on lessening gender defined roles?

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5 Answers

canidmajor's avatar

Yes, it should. Along with “transvestite” and other terms that carry a negative stigma about such things.

Hawaii_Jake's avatar

I would like to get rid of the labels of men’s and women’s clothes. The sooner we end the binary tyranny, the quicker we can get to a more sane society.

JLeslie's avatar

Just curious after the two answers above, what about the term Drag Queens? Many men who dress use the term themselves.

Hawaii_Jake's avatar

In a society where anyone is accepted for wearing anything they want without regard to oppressive norms, drag will enlarge and be more performance art accompanied by fabulous costumes.

Historically, drag has been a way for some gay men to express their femininity. It was born in eras that repressed women and effeminate men.

JeSuisRickSpringfield's avatar

Honestly, I never hear the term anymore in person. But yes, I do think it’s outdated. Clothes don’t have a gender. As Eddie Izzard said: “They’re not women’s clothes, they’re my clothes. I bought them.”

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