Social Question

JLeslie's avatar

Is it rude to knock on a hotel wall if your neighbor is being loud between 10pm and 6am?

Asked by JLeslie (65645points) 2 hours ago from iPhone

The scenario is loud conversation or rowdiness, or loud television or music, for an extended period, let’s say more than 20 minutes.

This is not about a baby crying for 20 minutes or people coming back to their room at night and making some noise as they get ready for bed.

Would you knock (not bang) on the wall to let them know you can hear them? What would be your reaction if you were being a little loud and the neighbor guest knocked on your wall?

Other alternatives are obviously calling the front desk or going to their room door and asking them face to face to quiet down. Or, ignore it.

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5 Answers

chyna's avatar

I am a certified chicken when it comes to any type of confrontation. I know I wouldn’t knock on the wall or door. My luck, someone is hyped up on something and will kill or maime me. I would probably call the desk.

RocketGuy's avatar

I’d call the front desk. Guest vs guest conflicts usually don’t end well.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

I agree with the two above, if it was bad I would just call the front desk and let them deal with it.

mazingerz88's avatar

Light knocking enough for them to hear shouldn’t be rude in my view. But…prudent to call the front desk instead.

kevbo1's avatar

As someone who knocked on the wall to inform an asshole neighbor where it ended with me being charged with harassment and subsequently being driven out of my townhome by continued noise, I would advise calling the front desk or wearing earplugs.

Barring that, I would bang on the wall. Even that isn’t rude if they’re the one causing the problem.

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