Social Question

JLeslie's avatar

Is it rude to knock on a hotel wall if your neighbor is being loud between 10pm and 6am?

Asked by JLeslie (65923points) September 22nd, 2024 from iPhone

The scenario is loud conversation or rowdiness, or loud television or music, for an extended period, let’s say more than 20 minutes.

This is not about a baby crying for 20 minutes or people coming back to their room at night and making some noise as they get ready for bed.

Would you knock (not bang) on the wall to let them know you can hear them? What would be your reaction if you were being a little loud and the neighbor guest knocked on your wall?

Other alternatives are obviously calling the front desk or going to their room door and asking them face to face to quiet down. Or, ignore it.

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16 Answers

chyna's avatar

I am a certified chicken when it comes to any type of confrontation. I know I wouldn’t knock on the wall or door. My luck, someone is hyped up on something and will kill or maime me. I would probably call the desk.

RocketGuy's avatar

I’d call the front desk. Guest vs guest conflicts usually don’t end well.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

I agree with the two above, if it was bad I would just call the front desk and let them deal with it.

mazingerz88's avatar

Light knocking enough for them to hear shouldn’t be rude in my view. But…prudent to call the front desk instead.

kevbo1's avatar

As someone who knocked on the wall to inform an asshole neighbor where it ended with me being charged with harassment and subsequently being driven out of my townhome by continued noise, I would advise calling the front desk or wearing earplugs.

Barring that, I would bang on the wall. Even that isn’t rude if they’re the one causing the problem.

smudges's avatar

I’m a chicken when it comes to standing up for myself in a situation like that. Confronting a professional or an employee is different than confronting the public. I’d call the desk. The neighbor won’t know who made the complaint – a room on each side or the one across the hall.

jonsblond's avatar

These days you never know who you might be dealing with. For my own safety I would call the front desk.

SnipSnip's avatar

You should contact the management first. Yours may be the third or fourth call to management and be the one that gets a real response. You don’t have any idea who is up there and if they are dangerous. Gun shots will go through floors that aren’t steel or concrete.

JLeslie's avatar

If I understand correctly, jellies don’t knock mostly because they are afraid. It is not an etiquette thing for you, you think it should be ok and reasonable, but you don’t know if the people making the noise will be reasonable, is that correct?

If you call the front desk, don’t you think the person will assume it was a neighbor sharing a wall who called?

A staff member has to physically walk to the room and see if they hear noise before disturbing that guest. That is part of their job, but just pointing it out to the group.

@kevbo1 Wow.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

A few years ago I was staying at a motel, it got real loud at 2 AM (people coming from a bar down the street). Three patrol cars showed up and cleared the lobby.

mazingerz88's avatar

@JLeslie If you have a feeling the people next door are acting irresponsibly enough that they might be a danger to you if the front desk person talks to them about a complaint…maybe ask them to give you another room.

Dutchess_III's avatar

It’s aggressive.
Call the front desk.

jca2's avatar

I would call the Front Desk. That’s what they’re there for.

smudges's avatar

Nope, not an etiquette thing these days. Maybe 20 years ago it would have. Nowadays I think it’s a safety thing.

JLeslie's avatar

It has only happened maybe two or three times in my adult life that people were loud in a room next to me. I have stayed in hotels a lot. Usually, a minimum of 20 days a year, sometimes up to 60–70 days in a year, although that’s rare.

The topic doesn’t really concern me at all, but I was in a conversation on facebook about it. Someone was really upset saying knocking on the wall is passive aggressive (I completely disagree) and very rude.

I understand the worries that someone might react badly, I would worry about that too, but I don’t think it’s bad etiquette, especially at 3am. I wouldn’t even think to do anything unless it went on for a long time, a good hour.

MrGrimm888's avatar

For me, I would have to call the cops, because I’d end up in some type of fight, or worse.

5+ years ago, when I used to drink, I’d have knocked on their door…

I guess I’m in the “too scared” section. Scared to stomp a puddle in some jerk’s face, or get shot.
Prison, or death, should be avoided. Agreed.

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