Social Question

jca2's avatar

What phrases or words annoy you?

Asked by jca2 (16638points) 13 hours ago

For me, a very annoying phrase is “super cute. ”

I get that this is totally a first world issue and we may be on the brink of the end of democracy. If you don’t like the question, please feel free to ignore it.

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6 Answers

Love_my_doggie's avatar

I dislike any phrases with gun references.

Dodge a bullet. Shoot from the hip. Bite the bullet. Sweat bullets. Ride shotgun. Stick to your guns. Go ballistic. Jump the gun. Straight-shooter. Real pistol. Gun shy. Hot shot. Son of a gun. Under the gun. Pull the trigger.

Such verbage is deeply embedded in the English language. I’m trying to purge the phrases from my own speech.

Blackwater_Park's avatar

Business and political buzzwords. Words that people did not use at all a few years ago but are all over the place now and have a way of identifying a user’s political or business “tribe.”
Examples: Synergy, unpack, performative, red pill, cuck

smudges's avatar

“Absolutely” and “perfect” as a one word answer. I liked it when it first started, but now they’re used so much. It seems like any time I’m asked what my preference is and I give it, they say one of those.

“Back in the day”

Put an animal “down”. Sounds horrible, like a piece of trash you threw away. I’m sure many of you use that phrase and don’t get what the big deal is. I just feel that a beloved pet deserves better wording. “Had to let her go” or even “put him to sleep” are better. “Put him down” sounds like something you’d do to a rabid animal. Just my little peculiarity.

More than “x” ways to skin a cat. Just disgusting and low class. “More than one way to do that.” is so much better and it doesn’t give the receiver a visual.

syz's avatar

Boys will be boys (i.e., I am a terrible parent).
I could care less (which is the opposite of what you are attempting to convey).
I seen any noun (you “have seen”, “had seen” !!!).
Let me axe you something.

mazingerz88's avatar

^^Well let me axe you something!

To the OP…


( which I use a lot on FB. Hate myself )

Tropical_Willie's avatar

“Thoughts and Prayers” after every school shooting ! !

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