Social Question

If i texted someone re: a business proposal and they didn't respond, should I text again and if so, how long should I wait to re-send?
My daughter works for a local business that gets very busy in the autumn, especially on weekends. We live in a small rural community
that gets lots of tourists, as we’re known for apple orchards, horses and lakes. I have something that I think they may like to sell. I texted her boss yesterday afternoon and introduced myself and told him what I have, asking if he may be interested. He hasn’t responded.
I am wondering if I should text again and if so, when.
I know that he may not be interested in what I have. I feel like he would probably text and say he’s not interested and maybe it was so busy yesterday, if he gets many texts, it’s possible that my text is buried in his feed. I’m not pushy and no problem if he’s not interested.
What do you think?