Social Question

Brian1946's avatar

What are some of your favorite tunes, in genres you don't usually listen to?

Asked by Brian1946 (32471points) 12 hours ago

E.g.: Country isn’t my favorite genre, but I really like I Hope You Dance by Lee Ann Womack; Goodbye Earl by the Chicks; He Thinks He’ll Keep Her by Mary Chapin Carpenter; Fire on the Mountain- Marshall Tucker Band; and Still is Still Moving to me- Willie Nelson.

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10 Answers

Blackwater_Park's avatar

My Baseline is metal post rock and prog.
I’m not so into electronica but I like this
Not so into 70’s prog but I like this
Country sucks, but I like this
This Speaks to me, but not my normal thing
Not into synth-pop either but This is cool
Not generally into this stuff either, but I make Exceptions

JLeslie's avatar

Jolene by Dolly Parton. I’ve always loved that song.

zenvelo's avatar

I don;t listen to a lot of jazz, but I will listen to Take Five any chance I can. Same with anything by Miles.or Stan Getz.

raum's avatar

I like this question! But I am down with almost any genre. So I’ll have to think about this some more.

raum's avatar

Ooh I thought of a genre, contemporary Christian music. (I like old school gospel music.)

I’m kind of hard-pressed to find a song I like though. :/

Brian1946's avatar


If you have a hierarchy of favorite genres, how about picking one that’s not one of your favorites?

How about doo wop? Baroque? Sad core? Swing?

raum's avatar

Judah and the Lion – Take It All Back

If Eminem was born again with a folk banjo twang haha

seawulf575's avatar

Stuff like this (Jive or swing, I can never decide).

or this (Christian)

This (Big Band)

jca2's avatar

I don’t like country music, for the most part, but I like this song. It’s catchy.

“Bartender” by Lady Antebellum, aka Antebellum.

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