General Question

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

Can solar flares cause electronics and batteries to explode?

Asked by RedDeerGuy1 (25055points) September 25th, 2024

In Canada a shipping container full of lithium batteries caught fire. Also the explosions in tech in Lebanon.

Could they be caused by the recent solar flare from the sun?

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2 Answers

seawulf575's avatar

Solar flares by themselves would likely not cause the batteries to catch fire. A Coronal Mass Ejection (CME) is a different story. Solar flares give off light energy (visible as well as x-rays, gamma rays, etc). Our atmosphere would deal with these for the most part. There might be some leak through, but not much and probably not enough to fry electronic circuits. CME’s on the other hand send of magnetic energy,. A strong enough CME could impact Earth’s magnetosphere and end up frying wiring, transformers, etc. Batteries, by themselves and not in a circuit, would largely be left alone. The magnetic energy of the CME would induce electricity in circuits which would fry them. A battery not in a circuit wouldn’t feel it the same.

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