Who on fluther, smokes marijuana?
I do and I just wondered how many others on here do. I mean when I have mentioned it I got some weird comments. so just wondering am I all alone?
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135 Answers
I do. Not sure what else this question requires me to say.
Umm.. yes, I do.
I mean uhhh yea i do.
Me and Trance24’s baby we named it reading rainbow(its got a bunch of butterflys on it)
I’m not here to argue but why would you ask this question? People are gonna say yes just to sound cool. If you do smoke it I’m sorry for you because the high you get now isn’t worth the trouble that comes with it. I have friends that I know probably smoked marijuana but teenagers do it to show off and to try new things but tobtry this you can ruin your life. I know I sound stupid or a wuss but don’t do drugs!
@idogg Do you drink or take any medication?
I take claritin and a antibiotic but no I haven’t drunk alchohol yet probably won’t for another 6 years.
@jdogg I dont, and have never smoked marijuana “just to sound cool” thats fucktarded.
Marijuana isnt going to ruin your life. Being irresponsible will. Stop scapegoating and just take responsibility for your actions. Ive smoked since i was 14 and have smoked every day for at least the past 2 years yet i have a job and would consider myself fairly successful. Ohhhhh the dangers of drugs.~
I know you can get addicted to anything but people usually don’t drink to get drunk.
@jdogg Mary-J is not addictive.
Alchohol is
i tried it this summer in south africa, but i have nothing to compare it to. it was extremely seedy, and we filled 2 beer bottles with the seeds for 6 weeks. we got stoned almost 24/7.
i do drink a shitload.
anything can be addictive eating fast food is addictive sex is addictive chocolate is addictive
And on the seventh day, God stepped back and said, “There is my creation, perfect in every way. Oh damn it, I left pot all over the place. Now they’ll think I want them to smoke it. Now I have to create Republicans.”
@jdogg theres a difference between physically addictive and mentally addictive substances though. Anything can be addictive to you mentally yes, but its not physically addictive. Sex is mentally cause it feels fucking great (see what i did there), but your not going to go through withdraw if you go without. Heroin on the other hand is physically addictive if you stop taking it youll be all kinds of fucked up going through withdraw.
I drink much more than I smoke.
don’t want to offend anyone just care for people don’t want people to go through the problems that it causes
@jdogg it doesnt cause any problems if you are responsible like i said above.
Know your body. Know your drug.
I smoke more than I drink. My favorite is weed and coffee! haha! yes sir!
that’s what I’m saying is If you aren’t don’t if you are don’t encourage it and if you wish you could stop stop! It’s hard to break addictions but if you are addicted to smoking get addicted to something else like sex or something that isn’t as bad
An addiction to anything can be bad. It doesn’t have to be a drug. And who ever said anyone was encouraging it? All that has been said so far is along the lines of “yes, I smoke” not “go out and smoke right now, it’s the best.”
Im pretty sure theres far greater risk to being a nymphomaniac than there are being a pothead. IE im not going to catch the HIV smoking weed.
if marijuana was a legalized prescription drug heck I wouldn’t care but since there’s no control for people that are irresposible that’s the problem. If you can hold yourself away from it then that’s good.
I sorry if I was unclear I wasn’t saying anyone in the fluther community was promoting it I just think that some people base there decisions on others and if they read this question they would feel that it’s alright .
So it’s ok for people to get addicted to sex because a) that’s a good addiction and b) sex addicts aren’t irresponsible (but people who smoke marijuana and aren’t addicted are). Or at least that’s what I’m gathering from your logic..
More people die every year from overdosing on prescription drugs then they do illegal ones.
jdogg that ideology makes absolutely no sense at all. Just because something is legal doesnt make it better than something that is not. IE Tobacco is a million times worse than marijuana. Look into why marijuana isnt legal its not because its “bad” for you either. Most prescription drugs are worse for you than marijuana. How many times when your watching tv do you hear “side effects may include dizziness nausea vomiting blurry vision yada yada yada some extreme cases may even be fatal” FUCK THAT!
And no control for people that are irresponsible? Umm is there for anything. Take cars for instance. Its perfectly legal to drive a car. Are there irresponsible people who cause accidents? Uhhh yea. There are always going to be irresponsible people with anything in life. Stop judging an entire thing off of some bad apples.
Any addiction isn’t good but sex can’t seriously physically harm you and what I’m trying to say is if your addicted to something fill that addiction with something that will help you stop or something that can’t harm you or others.
well I got a better question how many people are going to forget this by tomorrow morning because I know that I’m not winning right now???
ok I giess I did not take into recognition of all of the other possibilities but my moral is be responsible with drugs, with alcohol with anything. That’s all I really needed to say I guess.
@jdogg so is mine. Be responsible and its no problems. Its when you start being irresponsible you run into issues. Dont blame drugs, blame the people who take them and cant handle them.
PS learn to use the edit button and stop double posting
weed is love maaaaaaaaaaaaaaaan
Your be responsible argument is a good one. Your addiction idea is not, however.
I do, a few times a month. I drink maybe 5 times a year. Me and alcohol just don’t mix, but me and Mary Jane, now we get along.
It was my first love. When I was a teenager I would climb on top of the roof and sit up there and smoke. I picked a star out of the sky (I still look at it today) it’s not the biggest or the brightest one but it’s mine). Weed found the star for me and made me appreciate it and as long as I smoke, it will shine for me. Just thought I would share that with you guys. It’s personal so don’t tell anyone else….
where’s petethepothead on this one????
New favorite word: fucktarded. Thanks for that one, Uber!
I smoke pot, snort crack, pop pills, shoot up heroine, and drink like an alcoholic
No joke
@glitterrrrfish I think I’m in love <3
NO WAY!!. Smoking that stuff destroys your brain cells, and I am happy to say I have all mine. Why do you think the world is the way it is today. There are so many pot smokers out there. The work ethic is terrible. People don’t show up for work. The students smoke it in school and don’t learn anything. This world is falling apart.
@salty You are so brainwashed buddy. Go smoke a joint and then talk to us.
Sources please.
the world would be a lot better and happier if more people smoked
George Washington smoked
‘nuff said!
@Salty, I truly hope you’re being sarcastic.
@glitterrrrfish: if you’re snorting your crack, you’re doing it wrong.
not since high school. don’t drink either.
I’m one of those ppl that like to stay in control at all times. plus I’ve lost some friends to addictions.
as far as everyone else goes, it’s your life.
i don’t. i have but not a lot because i never liked it.
I do smoke marijuana, but for medicinal purposes. Nothing else works for the pain.
Yessssss. I love marijuana.
If you stay in control, fine. Many who smoke this stuff don’t. It is your own personal business but you are NOT a hero by a long shot.
One time I had to fire a guy because he was really loosing it, the door still has the hole he created when I told him to get lost.
@ uberbatman You envy devildiva because she’s in pain?
@deaddolly no i envy her because she lives somewhere where she is allowed to smoke medicinal marijuana. I however don’t. IMO marijuana is one of the greatest medicines on this earth. Upset stomach? Smoke weed. In a lot of pain? Smoke weed. Cant fall asleep at night? Smoke weed. Really stressed out? Smoke weed. The list just goes on and on and on.
i got in a car accident close to a month ago now and have been in extreme pain since. But i get prescribed percs(i hate opiates, far to addictive and to many negative side effects(literally knocks you out within an hour. messes your stomach up if you dont eat enough. yada yada yada)) id much rather live somewhere where i could just smoke medicinal marijuana and be fine. I also have some hardcore insomnia and therefore weed helps me a lot to get to sleep at night
I don’t live somewhere that I’m allowed to smoke marijuana. I do have permission from my doctor because he knows nothing else works. I have a high tolerance for pain pills. There is an added benefit for me with marijuana. I only have to have a couple hits at night and I’ll be pain free for 24 hours. It’s cheaper than getting the pain pills especially if you don’t have health insurance. Even when I did have health insurance, marijuana is cheaper and lasts longer than any pain pill on the market.
@Devil: I’m glad you found something that works for you, that’s at least two of us breaking the for insurance reasons.
Universal health care anyone?
I don’t. Just caffeine and alcohol for me…and I don’t feel more or less special either way.
Marijuana should be legalized, regulated, and sold over-the-counter. Write your congressman.
I have smoked for about 45 years. I obtained my degree from a leading university. I worked for one of the worlds largest corporations for twenty years and advanced quickly through its ranks. I currently smoke and I am able to reduce my use of harmful prescription drugs given to me to address symptoms of a terminal disease. I live in a state where medical marijuana is legal and I meet the criteria for a prescription but because of the controversies (such as the fucked-up federal government), etc., I have not obtained one.
Is marijuana right for me? hell yes
Is marijuana right for you? how the hell should I know
Now pardon me while I search for my roach clip or grab one of my homemade pipes.
@whatthefluther You are great role model for us all! LOL and fuck the Gov. anyway! I really could give a shit if they legalize it or not. I am going to keep on smoking. Fuck’em! Fuck’em in the mouth! LOL
you know what is funny? this question is one of the fastest growing questions on fluther.hahah
I smoke.
But you already knew that.
I’m addicted to carnmbonated grape juice does that count ??
I used to smoke as much as I could get ahold of for many years. I enjoyed it very much. There are some things in my past that I regret that are related to my use of pot, but we all have regrets for one reason or another. Live and learn. Uber and jdogg are both right, but only to a certain extent. Uber sems to think his daily use is causing him no harm at all. I remember thinking the same thing when I was an active user. The fact of the matter is that you will have some effects from long term use, but it varies from one person to the next, and you may not notice the effect from it while you are still using it. For instance, it may slow you down just a little or you might make decisions you wouldn’t otherwise.
jdogg seems to think it is some evil drug that will ruin your life upon smoking the first joint. His posts reminds me of the old movie “Reefer Madness.” It’s nice that you want to warn people about something that you think will harm them. It shows that you care for your fellow man, but you are misinformed on this subject. it’s not the horrible nasty drug you seem to think it is. it’s not addicting, but people like it so much they want to keep smoking it. People can and do stop smoking pot simply by deciding to stop, and without any withdrawal symptoms other than missing it, much like someone would miss a chocolate bar if they had a sweet tooth.
I stopped because I work in a bio medical lab and I can’t have it in my system if I want to keep my job. I do kind of miss it, but I am not “jonesing over it.” And to tell you the truth, if I knew somebody that had some, I just might fire one up. But I can do just fine without it. The key here is to not let it or any substance control your life.
I smoke two joints before I smoke two joints….
& then I smoke two more…
actually not, but I love the song. Knock yourselves out
joints = waste of weed!
but if you’re cool like me you can smoke it out of this beauty instead
@generalspecific i agree whole heartedly joints are a major waste. You get somewhere around 15–20% THC content of the weed when smoking a joint. Where as a bowl will get you 40–50 bongs upper 70s and finally vaporizers are close to 100. Mannnnnnn i want a volcano more than anything else. hey guys my birthdays coming up soon <wink wink>
One major advantage of joints though is there portability and not having to carry paraphernalia on you though.
I smoke out of a pipe kinda like that. I’d rather pack than roll any day, but the 2 joints song was still cool.
Yea you can eat that joint! But I never carry anyway. I just go to backyard and fire it up, throw on some Rolling Stones and ponder the ways of the universe.
I use a self-cleaning pinch hitter that my husband got from Amsterdam. I love it. I don’t waste any weed that way.
i guess a better way to word this question would have been “Is there anyone on Fluther who does NOT smoke marijuana?!!”
virgin I can honestly say I’ve never smoked it but I’m so not against it. I don’t think it’s any worse than alcohol, it’s just illegal. The only reason why I never smoked is because my dad is a 60 year old pot head who still lives with his mom… I just don’t want to be that way. Not that all pot heads are… I love pot heads. :) lol I’d be open to try it, I just wouldn’t know how to get it. Plus I think I’d feel kind of guilty because I have a kid… But hey, that’s just me.
@krose1223 Do you drink? and if so do you feel guilty?
it’s funny you ask because I started thinking about that after I posted that response and changed my answer in my head. Ha. Care to be my first? ;)
and really I don’t drink much. same as mj though. Nothing against either.
@kros1223 Heck yeeeeeees! I’ll bring the goodies and then we can watch conspiracy documentaries!
I can’t wait! I’ll bring the munchies.
Not for nothing, I would take marijuana over any other street drug anyday. Marijuana is all natural. It’s a plant that doesn’t have to be processed to use. Cocaine has to be processed from plants in order to get the drug. Other drugs are synthetic.
@devildiva blessett ourt thou
dont forget Mushies and mescaline. They are all natural and dont have to be processed either.also posing no serious health risks and no overdosing.
mmmmmm i could go for good trip right about now ^_^.
Oooh!! Dee loves shrooms. I like the ones better in Amsterdam than I do over here. They just seem to work better, in my opinion.
Tripping, tripping, and more tripping!! Yippee!!
Ha ha!! I’m getting a contact buzz from this thread!
Well screw you getting Amsterdam shroomies :(. There is no doubt in my mind that they are better, they can actually cultivate good strains over there, while we just get shitty ones.
Wow it’s smokey in here guys….Oooh little smurf houses….cool
shrooms… wtf !?!
Don’t get me started….my favorite fungus!
I have not had a shroom since like 1999. however, I would love a handful right now.
LSD is better IMO but the best is mescaline.
You will never see me buying a chocolate bar of any kind except on all too rare of an occasion. If you do catch me, I’ll be buying several and will soon be tripping. I do concur with ubers rating although I would have to put the clean acid from the 70s at the top (but that might just be pure nostalgia)
Me too uber. LSD is the best.
Dee is having a serious giggling fit!! Jeez!!
This thread would definitly fail a drug test…...
There is a drug test??? Cool!!
Wait a minute… I didn’t study for that!! Should I be taking notes?
Can I copy your notes, Scamp?
Sure, but I’m copying off of AtSeDaEsEpPoAoSnA. I’ll sneak them over to you when I’m done. shhhh!!
Yea!! Dee is now a big fan of cheating. <Giggle>
I’ll cheat, but first I’m going to have to find someone with clean piss. And it seems like that’s going to be hard to do in this thread. jdogg? salty? jca? help the rest of us out?
i think we would have to be the same gender for me to help you out. but i would if i could.
@jdogg, this is not meant to be condescending towards you, but it seems from your responses that you are pretty young and not very experienced in life. There are definitely useless potheads out there who do nothing but play video games and stay on the couch, but the truth is there are way more pot smoking successful people out there. I’m not suggesting you try it. I am suggesting that you open your mind to the fact that marijuana can have a positive impact on many peoples lives. It can be medicinal or recreational. I personally know many brilliant workaholics in many different industries that are pot heads. You would never know it by meeting them though. They are all very successful and have never worn a tie dyed shirt. There is a much greater problem in the US with prescription drugs and/or alcohol than with pot. A doctor will prescribe uppers and downers and anti depressants on a whim, many of which have very harmful side effects. The side effects of pot include increased appetite, sleepiness, and occasional paranoia. Much safer than the kidney failure, liver failure, heart failure, and impotency warnings on most prescription drugs.
Additionally, sex is much more dangerous than drugs. Sex is highly addictive. There are many societal and peer pressures to “do it.” It can take over your thoughts, emotions, and motivations. It can get in the way of your job , your family, your friends. Forget about the danger of STDs, lets talk about the emotional scarring that can come with sex. Prolonged exposure to sex often results in chronic heart break for which there often is no cure.
and drugs and rock n’ roll.
Hooray for sex: it’s fun and if it weren’t for sex, we’d probably not be here.
From a guy point of view, “prolonged exposure to sex” leads to a nap.
marijuana > sex
@marcismyhero, that’s a really good point and I never really thought of it that way before. I much rather see kids smoking a blunt every once in a while instead of sleeping around.
loosing the big v at the age of 15 made developing other relationships later in life really hard for me. don’t think a joint would have done too much damage at all.
I don’t go out of my way but if it’s offered, I’ll take a hit.
dude i think there are too many people around who think smoking weed is so awful (who i know anyway)
i dont understand their big point…
pass the dutchie on the left hand side.
i’m pretty bummed i missed this question…
well if everyone will read my post (even tho its been a while) :) the main reason i say “don’t do it” is because there was an experience that one of my family members did it a few years ago, and they failed a drug test, and got into A TON of trouble, without that person i felt lonely and betrayed, and to see them halucinating and in that state made me feel like i lost them, VERY FORTUNATELY that person has made a FULL addiction recovery and as far as I know hasn’t done it since and i will make this promise I WILL NEVER DO DRUGS no matter if its marijuana, O.D.‘ing on pills, or anything else. Thats why it seems like i think its a evil drug, because to me, from what ive seen it do to people ,it is…
@Zen….Are you looking for recommendations? I’ve heard pot will soothe even the worst case of hemo…well, you know what and I can tell you first hand that a good buzz goes quite nicely with lox, bagel & cream cheese (but you may need to add a slice of red onion and perhaps some capers) and, currently, I can add that it forms a symbiotic relationship with Heinekins. Just thoughts….I push nothing more for me.
See ya….Gary/wtf
@whatthefluther Bagels at my place tonight at 9? Bring the capers and grass.
I’m too chicken. I wouldn’t do well in jail.
@Facade….OK, you bring the chicken, and no worries…. @Zen ‘s place is quite safe, I understand. And, I’ll hold all, including my medical marijuana Rx (if the cops do show up, just offer them a bagel and say its a donut….but, do not, under any circumstance, laugh in their face). OK….let’s get high, fat and silly!
See ya….Gary/wtf
@pterodactylover808…..I did once, too (just today)....then I did it twice (I smoke two joints before I smoke two joints…..Sublime ly, of course)....well, come to think about it, there may have been a third and fourth and perhaps more times. But I don’t remember because my memory is gone (yeah, right…..I just gave up once the count clearly exceeded the number of burgers served by McDonalds). See ya…..Gary/wtf
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