The storm was NO joke.
The “death toll” I heard (130,) was staggering for such a storm.
I see we have lost several entire towns, and a LOT of damage occurred in some bigger cities too.
They drained our lakes, like right before the storm, because they knew we’d be getting the water from NC, and the upstate.
These lakes, are massive.
I’ve read some concerning reports, that my area could potentially flood, from the water coming here.
I’m not far from Lake Moultrie, or the Tale Race Cannal. I’ll be watching, for alerts.
Yeah. It’s a total “boy who cried wolf” thing. That gets some people killed.
You get complacent, or just can’t leave. Even shelters are no guarantee of safety.
It’s a decision, each time.
I guarantee, a LOT of people got caught off guard and the water is always such a major factor in what happens.
Sadly. Some of the dead, were just people impaired by health, or circumstances, who may not have even known the storm was coming or had a false sense of security in their location or capabilities.
Water is SO heavy, and violent.
The worse it gets, stuff begins floating in the water and knocking bigger things down. The constant rain, saps the strength of the soil itself, and then you see the big oaks tipping over.
Unless you’ve seen how fast a flood can happen, it doesn’t seem realistic.
The wind is no help, if the eye gets close, you may get sustained winds from East to West, then sustained winds from West to East.
It really is a “perfect storm,” for maximum destruction.
I think we’re all a little complacent. The fact is, an act of nature, could wipe any one of us (or millions of us,) at ANY time.
To me, having lived right on the SC coast for so long, I think most of the game is won by preparation.
That doesn’t mean one thing specifically, and could be fortifying an existing structure, or making sure you have a plan for several possibilities and directions on how and where ro fall back to if your first location is suddenly uninhabitable.
It’s not dumb, to wear a motorcycle helmet, and life jacket, if that will get you to the closest strong building.
The people who prepare SOME type of plan, have the best chance at survival. Even if it seems ridiculous that you are going to be affected.
And Yes. Still a few more storms, to dodge maybe. It’s not unlike nature, to kick us when we’re down. I hope the rescue efforts can cease, in case another storm comes.