Social Question

LuckyGuy's avatar

Recently, are you getting emails from FB with a code to change your password?

Asked by LuckyGuy (43847points) 7 hours ago

It looks like some entity is trying to get into my FB account and keeps trying passwords and then requesting a code to change pw. This looks like an AI attack from somewhere.
Are you getting similar emails or texts?

Of course I notified FB and they know the source location. But, that can be spoofed.

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10 Answers

jca2's avatar


If you do change your password, do it from the actual site and not from the email.

snowberry's avatar

I gave up Facebook years ago after Facebook facilitated 2 years of death threats against my husband. It was widely covered in the news media as well.

He was eventually proven innocent after a trial, but the people who read Facebook apparently know the truth, cuz Facebook wouldn’t ever allow anyone to publish misleading information, right?

Anyway, after that experience, I have learned to question anything that happens on social media, or the news.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

Two months ago and 6 months ago.

YARNLADY's avatar

I haven’t seen any.

chyna's avatar

None yet.

raum's avatar

Not me. But I think this happened to my dad. The account looks like it’s run by a bot now. Their new post generates a ton of comments from no one I recognize and talking about a shared history that doesn’t exist. Super weird.

Maybe to look more like a real account?

elbanditoroso's avatar

I had several earlier this week – not from Facebook, but one from social security and one from a bank. My guess is that someone bought a bunch of hacked data and is trying it out.

Forever_Free's avatar

What is this thing called “Facebook”?

JLeslie's avatar

A few months ago for Instagram, but I know I don’t have an Instagram account.

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