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janbb's avatar

Has anyone else watched the series "Anne with an E" on Netflix?

Asked by janbb (63385points) September 27th, 2024

It’s one of my favorite series for the acting, the characters and the updated plots. One of the subplots is about a gay artistic student and how he finds himself. There is also a plotline about the indigenous children who were taken from their tribes and forced to live in Catholic run institutions.

There are three seasons and due to company conflicts, CBC did not develop a 4th which is a shame. I’ll really miss it.

If you watched it, care to chat?

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20 Answers

jca2's avatar

I haven’t so I can’t speak to it, but I just looked it up on Wikipedia and I’m intrigued.

This is what it says under “themes:”

While “many classic moments [of the novel] are dutifully re-created,” Walley-Beckett constructed Anne with an E with “a darker undercurrent” than previous adaptations of Anne of Green Gables. She envisioned Anne as an antihero, adding original backstories to her adaptation that emphasized the impact of bullying, class-based discrimination, social isolation, and consequent PTSD on the construction of Anne’s character (themes hinted at, but never elaborated upon, in the original novel). Walley-Beckett further states: “In this day and age, themes of identity, prejudice, bullying, being an outsider, searching for a way to be accepted and how to belong are entirely topical and super relevant, and those are themes that are built into the story of Anne”. She went on to call Anne Shirley an “accidental feminist”, and how she “really wanted to tell this story now”. Amybeth McNulty (who portrays Anne) also stated that, “people might think [the new scenes] are quite graphic… but I think it was time to be honest.”

janbb's avatar

@jca2 I really think you would love it. It’s very rich. Let me know if you watch it.

SnipSnip's avatar

I started it but couldn’t stomach it after watching the original videos about 10 times with my girls. Everything that came after the books and first videos has been trash in my opinion.

janbb's avatar

@SnipSnip I never read or watched the original video so I can see why this version might be not to your taste but I’ve loved it.

Kardamom's avatar

I absolutely loved that series. The actress who plays Anne is superb as are the actors who played Marilla and Matthew.

janbb's avatar

@Kardamom That’s what I felt too. And I was in love with both Gilbert and Sebastian.

smudges's avatar

Thanks for reminding me. I watched some of it quite some time ago. I don’t remember why I stopped. Maybe I finished a season and the new one hadn’t come out yet and then I forgot. I’m going to begin it again, and I have Netflix!

janbb's avatar

Netflix. And it just gets richer and richer as the seasons go on.

smudges's avatar

LOL edited

smudges's avatar

Good, a new show to add to my list.

janbb's avatar

Let me know what you think as you watch it.

jca2's avatar

I just looked at a bit of the trailer and it looks like beautiful cinematography.

Forever_Free's avatar

I watched it years ago and loved it. They did a great job with characters and story lines.
Nostalgic sense to when i read the books it was based on.
I will be taking trips to that very area and PEI next summer as it is only 6 hours from my house in Maine.

janbb's avatar

And I’ll be in Maine next week!

smudges's avatar

I watched 3 episodes yesterday. I’ve forgotten why I ever stopped! It’s just fantabulous and glorious!

janbb's avatar

@Forever_Free I messaged you.

SnipSnip's avatar

These books/movies made Prince Edward Island famous. My girls have been there on holiday as have some friends. I did not share their excitement and joy at the idea of visiting up there. But they loved it .

KNOWITALL's avatar

I’ve watched them all a few times, big fan. Glad you enjoyed it!

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