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SQUEEKY2's avatar

Should Trump, and Vance be accountable for repeating the lie of immigrants eating peoples pets?

Asked by SQUEEKY2 (23514points) September 27th, 2024

It was debunked by city officials, the police, even the woman who started it with a FB post said she was wrong, but that didn’t stop Trump shouting it from the rooftops long after.
Causing bomb threats, and school closures, totally disrupting peoples lives and safety.

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13 Answers

SQUEEKY2's avatar

Is this spreading FAKE news that Trump screams the left do so much?
Seems the Don Father is very guilty of fake news himself.
Oh and the woman who started this said it was about a cat, Trump added dogs,then geese later.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

Let’s hope it’s successful.

mazingerz88's avatar

I guess on election day some accountability?

Demosthenes's avatar

Roseanne Barr was on Tucker Carlson saying that immigrants are eating babies and drinking their blood.

It’s literally blood libel. Lol. At least in some cases. A lot of people think of their pets like children. Saying “they’re eating pets” is only one step removed from “they’re eating children”. Which is the entire point.

Eventually, people are going to start wondering if every middle-American grievance is as fictional as this one. ;)

elbanditoroso's avatar

Should? Yes.

But by who? The right wing media won’t keep them honest. The left wing media know it’s an impossible battle to win.

And in the US, so far, there is not a ‘media police’ (although after 2025 there might be)

SQUEEKY2's avatar

So they keep getting away with the pet eating, the post birth abortion, and rampant crime, all false but if they say it enough and loud enough their idiot base will believe it?^^

YARNLADY's avatar

Of course he should ‘t. He did’t really say that, just ask him. He just said he heard it and other people were saying it.

MrGrimm888's avatar

The penalty SHOULD be felt in voting booths.

However. Trump’s sheep, have let far worse slide.

This coming election will tell us a lot about the American population.
If Trump is elected, we know that some Americans prioritize fighting the “brown invasion,” more than much else.

That’s the ONLY issue, other than taking more from the poor and middle class, to give to the wealthy, that Trump will actually pursue.
The rest of his time will be spent calling in to FOX to keep spreading lies, and making sure anyone he believes slighted him pays dearly.

The conservative stocked SCOTUS, will continue taking rights from women, and helping replace science in schools with religious garbage.

JLeslie's avatar

Yes! This reminds me of what happened to those poll workers in GA.

I don’t think anything can be done about when Trump first mentioned it initially, but now that we know the cat was found and he persists, it is just beyond comprehension that he and Vance keep on with it. Schools are having bomb threats for Christ’s sake. What is wrong with people? The city should sue Trump, can a city sue?

Although, I will say that when Vance said that no one was talking about the town until Trump said something about it, I don’t think he was admitting to making up the story, that is just twist and spin crap, I think it is obvious he meant the press was not paying attention to towns that are having a lot of immigration in a short amount of time.

smudges's avatar

@YARNLADY Repeating a harmful rumor is as bad as starting it, and repeating entails “saying it”. I heard the words come out of his mouth.

MrGrimm888's avatar

^Trump has only continued to double down on this.
Vance is pushing it too.

I don’t see the difference between screaming “bomb” in a theater (which is a criminal act,) and this incident…

Kraigmo's avatar

These two men tried to overthrow the United States.
They shouldn’t even be alive. The legal system should have killed them by now.

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