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Jeruba's avatar

What would happen if Kamala became president before Election Day?

Asked by Jeruba (56211points) September 27th, 2024

If Biden were to resign, say, or he died in office, between now and November 5th, how would that affect the outcome of the election?

Asking for your opinion, not legal information.

Sorry to say that Joe sounds like he’s losing it fast.

Kamala could of course become president between Nov. 5 and Jan. 20, but that wouldn’t affect the outcome of the election.

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8 Answers

jca2's avatar

What’s the update on Joe? I haven’t heard much about him lately, other than that he addressed the UN the other day.

MrGrimm888's avatar

To a great degree, it would tell us a lot about Harris. We’d get a sneak peak at her as POTUS.
We know what a dumpster fire Trump was.

Inquiring minds, want to know if she can do the job…

JLeslie's avatar

I just saw Joe and The View a couple of days ago and he was great.

Not sure what you mean by what would happen? I think nothing much would happen. I would assume she would continue to live where she lives at least until the election is decided. Why move for a few months if she loses? If she wins, I guess she could start moving her stuff into the White House sooner rather than later. I wonder if they would have to move Joe and his wife out as soon as he is no longer president? I hope not.

If she becomes president the staff will adjust the president’s calendar if need be.

Do you mean how will other countries react? Do you mean will there be riots in the streets?

I wonder if she would take over quietly and not talk about it much, or if she would do a speech addressing the nation.

I don’t see this happening; I don’t think Joe is leaving.

Jeruba's avatar

I’m really asking, do you think it would affect the outcome of the election? Would people see her differently if she were sworn in as POTUS before (most) ballots are cast?

JLeslie's avatar

It would give opportunity to significantly ramp up criticism of how she acts as a president. Whatever decisions she makes would by pounced on at every turn by Trump and his supporters.

My guess is she would lay as low as possible and not do much presidential, but some decisions she might be forced to have to make.

I don’t know why, but my gut feeling is I think it might hurt her chances. You would think it should help if people get used to seeing her as president.

MrGrimm888's avatar

Well. Harris IS the VP.
Arguably her main purpose, is to supplant the POTUS, if/when that time comes.

Nobody should ever BE a VP, unless we know 100% that they can appropriately fill those shoes.
Which is why it surprised me, when Trump admitted in that interview that Vance wouldn’t “be ready on day one.”
Trump immediately followed that answer with a proclamation that a VP didn’t matter in his case. HE was going to be POTUS, and it was irrelevant whomever HIS VP was.
(Which IS exactly, what I already knew about his supporters.)

Regardless of the VP, certainly at the finish line, they SHOULD be able to make the transition seamlessly. Not unlike the precision of US military weaponry, our highest office should function identically.

POTUS, is arguably the most powerful, and world affecting job. It’s a 24/7 job.
A LOT happens on the other side of the world, while Americans sleep.
Of course, it would not surprise me, if there are some VPs, who would have been incapable of even briefly being POTUS if necessary.

I thought Pence, was maybe dead inside. He was barely noticeable, and the opposite of Trump. He looked VERY odd, to me, when I saw him. He had his own idiosyncrasies, and “flava.”

But. When he was under threat by Trump, he did his job and signed off on Biden.
I have to give Pence credit, for that. I seriously doubt that manynof his republican peers, would have the same integrity…
AND, he almost got publicly lynched, by Trump’s sheep on J6…

I guess what I’m trying to say is, even if the VP can’t replace the POTUS, they should be people of high character.
I don’t agree with Pence on much, but showed true fortitude in that example.
He understood his job, and the law, and maybe he COULD have been a functional POTUS…

I would think, with Biden being advanced in years, his voters had already considered Harris POTUS material. Or at least, a tolerable short term replacement.

That’s why I laugh at people saying that she isn’t qualified.
If she weren’t qualified to be THE president, perhaps in our darkest hour, she wouldn’t have been the VP…

I agree with JL mostly here.
I think she would just try not to crash the ship, and likely jut try and keep her momentum going.

That being said, I REALLY hope that the government has been smart enough to “let her steer,” while Joe has the gas and brakes. She needs the experience.

Like JL said, EVERY move she made, would be HEAVILY scrutinized by the right, and obviously there would be a lot if lies and CGI/AI videos for the sheep to pass around.

Perhaps, she would have assassination attempts.
I’m frankly surprised Trump has her 2–0, in the assassination attempt category.
The Pelosi thing, was in that ballpark.

JLeslie's avatar

I agree with Trump that the VP has little effect; the people vote for the president. The VP can help bring in a state, I think that is happening this election, I think Walz helps get Michigan and Pennsylvania.

The criticism that Harris hasn’t done much of anything is ridiculous to me. What VP does a lot of visible things? None. Even if the VP is heading up projects, the public is barely aware.

MrGrimm888's avatar

Well. The VP SHOULD (in my opinion,) be capable of doing the president’s job.
I know. I have all these CRAZY ideas. I’m a radical, because I have high expectations for the leader and potential future leaders, of America…

Trump is an octogenarian, possibly with syphilis, certainly with an unhealthy past, and there were 2 attempts on Trump’s life in as many months.
Are Trump voters REALLY sure, they want Vance running the country (given even Trump did not endorse Vance’s efficacy?)

In many cases, I think the president, is irrelevant…
As far as the country functioning, and improving, our leaders have consistently failed us. The government JUST avoided shutting down, AGAIN.
As it does with a disturbing frequency, as a result of largely the same people.

NETHER candidate, has seriously addressed the nation’s incredible debt.
In fact, BOTH of their proclaimed policies will drive the debt higher…

I hope I get to spend the money of my next employer, to get the job. That’s what both, are doing.

Harris has some concepts, as far as helping all, that would be great. They will not be free.
If implemented, the funding will be charged on the US account.

Trump, wants to further distribute wealth upward, by taking it from the less than elite.
His ambitious/racist agenda will mean the capture and deportation of at least 12 million people. Perhaps he will actually build his moronic “wall,” which was most recently astronomically expensive.
His hobbies will be chasing all of the numerous agencies, and people, who whilst doing their jobs, may have scorned the tangibly insecure old man.
Obviously, his party IS heavily involved from the top down, with Project 25, as well.
These terrible things, will simply be added to the previous $7.7 TRILLION, he added his first term.

VP debate, is soon I think.
That should be titillating….

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