Social Question

SQUEEKY2's avatar

This is for anyone that has had a tattoo for a long time, do you ever regret getting it?

Asked by SQUEEKY2 (23623points) September 28th, 2024

I am not trying to start any arguments, just wondering as the years go by do you still love it as much as you first did?

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4 Answers

canidmajor's avatar

I have six, the oldest one from 1977. I have never regretted any of them, they all represent something important, even the first, a frog on my boob, which represents just how young and silly I was at 23, that I would get a tattoo because I lost a bet.
I’d like to get one last one before my skin gets too weird, just something pretty.

I regret some things I have said or done in my life (haven’t we all?) but never my ink.

MrGrimm888's avatar

I don’t regret any, but it can be a problem with employment.

I worked at a big box sporting goods store part-time, where I had to cover mine.
It was SO stupid. And hot.
I sold paddle vessels (canoes/kayaks/SUPs, and consequently also worked in the gun department.)
They wanted us to dress, “sport-like.” Only brands they sold.
So I had all these dumb sleeves, and compression things on my calves.
They were nice enough to simply give up, about my neck and hand tattoos.
Otherwise, I’d have been wearing wide receiver gloves, and a skiing scarf…

A company that allows customers to have tattoos, but not their employees, is (to me) insulting the customers AND me.

At this point in time, tattoos are common, and as long as the images are not illicit, or too offensive, I don’t have an issue with it.

I have one, on my right hand.
It’s like, a Celtic cresent moon design. I don’t regret it, but I may one day cover it, or incorporate it, into another tattoo.
I’ve worked construction, I’ve been a LEO, and a bouncer, and my hands look like it.
Rough, scarred up, and the tattoo has been through a LOT.
It’s in need of, at minimum a decent touch up.

I have always gotten my stuff touched up, over the years.
My main artist, will do touch ups for free on anything, if I’m there getting something already.
Sometimes, I think he just likes trying to hurt me…

I do have a tattoo with letters.
One of the letters, can be confused with another letter, as it’s “written,” in cursive. I may do something about that one day.

True story.
This dude I know, got married 20 years ago, to a woman named Janet.
So. He got “Janet,” HUGE tattooed on his neck. Like from his jawline to his collar bone. It has flowers and stuff around it.

Well. Janet and him, divorced years ago.
Since then, it says ”*P*lanet.”
He gets lots of jokes about if he gets married again, he should “plan it” better.

He’s a loser, and a guy I thought I might have to tune up eventually. It’s VERY appropriate, he has that stupid shit on his neck…

Zaku's avatar

@MrGrimm888 I was thinking he was just going to stick to Janets only.

MrGrimm888's avatar

As a rule, I never get the name of a living person on myself…
In this case, it was good for Janet.
The story gets worse, with the last woman I saw him with!
Truth is stranger, than fiction…

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