Social Question

JLeslie's avatar

On your wedding day, would you care if a guest wore white or something showy?

Asked by JLeslie (65659points) 2 hours ago

I was looking at wedding attire etiquette and I learned things I never had heard before.

One rule I did already knew was that women who attend the wedding are not supposed to wear white. I did not know this until my own wedding.

Also, I knew to take into account whatever the invitation says in terms of formal, cocktail, etc.

The article I read also mentioned that women attending the event should try to not wear a color that is featured in the wedding. So, if the bridesmaids are wearing pink and you are not a bridesmaid, you should avoid wearing pink. One way to guess what color might be taboo is the invitation supposedly might hint to the color scheme. I never thought about this before.

The recommendations also said don’t wear a flashy or skimpy dress, and not a lot of beading or glitz. Also, don’t wear red. It practically said don’t look too good.

All of these rules are so a guest doesn’t draw attention away from the bride or the couple.

If you were the bride, would you be upset if a female guest wore white or if a guest looked fabulous or if her outfit was a little too revealing? If you are one of the guests would you be talking about the woman in red?

Men feel free to answer the Q also, would you even notice or care?

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3 Answers

jonsblond's avatar

Easy answer for me. No. Come barefoot, I don’t care.

jca2's avatar

I have heard that guests that are ladies aren’t supposed to wear white.

It used to be that ladies also shouldn’t wear black, they should wear a color, but for at least the past 20 years, I notice that ladies, including me, will wear black and also pants are no longer taboo.

I’ve been at weddings wear younger guests will have dresses on with dressy flip flops (actual flip flops, not dress shoes that are slides).

I think rules are relaxed now so almost anything goes, unless it’s a very formal venue.

filmfann's avatar

It don’t matter to me…

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