Social Question

Will Sean "Diddy" Combs, "commit suicide?"(Details.)
The news isn’t good, for Mr. Combs.
I’m sure, by now, we’ve all heard (and possibly seen,) what he’s been up to.
It goes without saying, he deserves a life in prison.
That, remains to happen.
The legal process, regardless of time it takes, would likely land him behind bars. In fact, he’s being held in the same place now, as Mr. Epstein was found “dead by suicide.”
It seems inescapable, that perhaps many famous people we all know will be linked to Combs’ alledged goings-on.
Although many, will have been simply at regular parties or events he had, it may be difficult to put a clear seam between his regular party guests, and those who participated (in degress of extent) with illicit, illegal, immoral, “freaky,” stuff…
Some link to sex-trafficking, and and an endless amount of other especially deplorable behavior is potentially involved with this case.
Some will be completely innocent, and/or naive, and uninvolved 100%.
Then. There will be a scale, between that and the worst allegations. With stars of sports, entertainment, Hollywood, and LOTS of important celebrities being perceived in all manner.
Getting to the point.
Mr. Epstein, “killed himself, by hanging and subsequently breaking his neck.”......(right.)
So this, is not a dissimilar scenario, correct?
Mr. Combs, will likely forever be remembered more for the outcome of his legal proceedings, than his storied career in entertainment.
Obviously. He knows a LOT, of potentially damming (possibly invaluable,) information.
Or disinformation…
He’s a “loose cannon.”(Potentially. )
Perhaps most importantly; how would another such silencing, effect the public perception of this apparent underworld of debauchery (always wanted to say that,) and are there any specific concerns you may have?
- music
- acting
- actors
- motivation
- money
- justice
- celebrities
- power
- stars
- homosexuality
- athletes
- society
- producing
- suicide
- hip-hop
- rape
- influence
- fame
- prison
- abuse of power
- human interest
- public opinion
- infamy
- human trafficking
- Sex Crimes
- lifestyles of the rich and famous
- Sean Diddy Combs
- social elites
- freak-offs
- assassination of a witness of the highest level
- deadly knowledge
- the entertainment industry