Social Question

MrGrimm888's avatar

Will Sean "Diddy" Combs, "commit suicide?"(Details.)

Asked by MrGrimm888 (19400points) 4 days ago

The news isn’t good, for Mr. Combs.
I’m sure, by now, we’ve all heard (and possibly seen,) what he’s been up to.
It goes without saying, he deserves a life in prison.
That, remains to happen.
The legal process, regardless of time it takes, would likely land him behind bars. In fact, he’s being held in the same place now, as Mr. Epstein was found “dead by suicide.”

It seems inescapable, that perhaps many famous people we all know will be linked to Combs’ alledged goings-on.
Although many, will have been simply at regular parties or events he had, it may be difficult to put a clear seam between his regular party guests, and those who participated (in degress of extent) with illicit, illegal, immoral, “freaky,” stuff…
Some link to sex-trafficking, and and an endless amount of other especially deplorable behavior is potentially involved with this case.
Some will be completely innocent, and/or naive, and uninvolved 100%.
Then. There will be a scale, between that and the worst allegations. With stars of sports, entertainment, Hollywood, and LOTS of important celebrities being perceived in all manner.

Getting to the point.
Mr. Epstein, “killed himself, by hanging and subsequently breaking his neck.”......(right.)

So this, is not a dissimilar scenario, correct?

Mr. Combs, will likely forever be remembered more for the outcome of his legal proceedings, than his storied career in entertainment.
Obviously. He knows a LOT, of potentially damming (possibly invaluable,) information.
Or disinformation…
He’s a “loose cannon.”(Potentially. )

Perhaps most importantly; how would another such silencing, effect the public perception of this apparent underworld of debauchery (always wanted to say that,) and are there any specific concerns you may have?

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21 Answers

gorillapaws's avatar

@MrGrimm888 “So this, is not a dissimilar scenario, correct?”

I would argue that this IS a dissimilar scenario. I don’t think Puff Daddy had the same level of blackmail on the same caliber of people. Epstein had presidents, royalty, some of the literal richest men on the planet, and may have even been an agent for Mossad (His girlfriend’s dad was likely a Mossad agent—or at least worked for them). Combs was a small fish by comparison. If he did what he’s accused of (and I have every reason to think he did), then I agree that a small box is where he should spend the rest of his days for his crimes.

ragingloli's avatar

If the Orangutan was at one of his “freakouts”, then yes.
Always remember that the Orangutan was buddy-buddy with Epstein, and on the lists as “doe 174”.
Also remember that when Epstein was killed, the Orangutan was in office.

jca2's avatar

I hope the prosecutors have a rock solid case because you know that as rich as Puffy is, he’s got the best attorneys.

He’s in the same place in the MDC as Sam Bankman Fried.

They say it’s very miserable there, cold in the winter, hot in the summer, bugs and rats. A far cry from his huge mansions and his suite at the St. Regis, where he was picked up when he was arrested, where he was staying temporarily because he knew that he’d be charged any day. His attorneys were hoping he’d be allowed to turn himself in, but instead the Feds came and arrested him in the lobby, early in the morning.

I believe he’s on suicide watch, because they know that another “suicide” of a famous person won’t look good for them.

seawulf575's avatar

Not necessarily. Ghislaine Maxwell hasn’t offed herself yet and she knew as much as Epstein.

The better question might be: “Why are so many wealthy and influential celebrities and politicians always elbow deep with these people that are so slimy?”

smudges's avatar

^^ Hear hear!

…Suicide? And we should care becaaause….
It would certainly save a lot of money and justice would be served.

JLeslie's avatar

If he’s guilty, I could care less if he commits suicide. Why even try to prevent it? If he’s not guilty, then suicide because everything looks dire would be very sad.

So far he looks very guilty.

elbanditoroso's avatar

Who cares? Makes no difference to me. Suicide is a personal decision and would be an admission of guilt.

His continued existence won’t affect me one way or another. Go for it, Mr. Combs. Do something positive for the world.

gorillapaws's avatar

@JLeslie “Why even try to prevent it?”

There’s an argument to be made that his existence rotting away in a box could serve as a deterrent to celebrities (especially) seeking to use their wealth and power to hurt/exploit/victimize women. In theory, if he commits suicide he might be quickly forgotten.

JLeslie's avatar

@gorillapaws Going along with that, I personally would want someone who harmed my family or myself to suffer a little too, so he can feel and understand what he did to others. Probably those people don’t and never understand though.

There is an expression that death is to good for him. Ultimately, I would be fine with someone who is doing so much abuse and harm dying though. From a taxpayer perspective, it’s cheaper. We can never take away the hurt done to the girls snd women. If he is dead they never have to worry about him again.

Forever_Free's avatar

I only have the most vile of wishes for him. May he rot in prison and get his “justice” there.

zenvelo's avatar

I don’t think he is anywhere near as vile as Epstein, and certainly not as connected. Epstein had connections with royalty and corporate heads, not to mention presidents.

elbanditoroso's avatar

No way that Epstein was a suicide. It had to have been a paid hit.

mazingerz88's avatar

If he is sentenced for, to him, too many years he just might kill himself.

Forever_Free's avatar

@zenvelo Is there a scale for vileness?

Is it like the Scoville scale for peppers?

jca2's avatar

I just heard on the news that 120 new victims have come forward, 25 of whom are minors, boys and girls, the youngest being 9 years old.

ragingloli's avatar

Man, any more than that, and he’ll become the next republican nominee.

mazingerz88's avatar

^^Modern day Caligula!

zenvelo's avatar

@Forever_Free No, perhaps I could have worded better. And that was before I saw what @jca2 posted.

Epstein had his own island for depravity. And he courted the rich and powerful. I guess that is why I considered him to be worse than Combs.

MrGrimm888's avatar

I have run across Katt Williams, telling all kinds of REALLY (at the time) outlandish stories are the entertainment business.
Huge conspiracy theories, and lots of “gossiping.”
He paints a story, straight from a gritty movie.
Often he portrays famous people involved in the industry, being in some form of collaboration.
The recent Diddy thing, has made him suddenly look VERY right.
The internet is on fire, with a lot of videos, and stories about some really famous (wealthy/powerful) people involved in this.

And yes folks, I have definitely heard, he was recording things.
The videos I have seen, are about where your imagination takes you, when thinking about a “freak off” setting.

I love Kevin Hart. I’ve been a fan, for like 20 years. But. I saw a video with him, leaning on a hottub full of girls. NOTHING he did in what I saw was damming.
But. @Mazinger88 you have a great point with Caligula.

I don’t believe Combs was galavanting, with world leaders.
In that way, you guys are correct.
But. If you think about the lives he could negatively impact, Combs is a dangerous person.

I’m upset about Combs, but I’m MORE upset about our society.

“The lifestyles, of the rich and famous,” seem checkered.

I still love Michael Jackson’s music. He’s my favorite homosexual pedophile.

Society LET or enabled MJ, to be a sexual predator. Parents let their children go to his fucking kid catching Ranch.

Think about it. MJ made an amusement park, at his house for attracting children! He had all kinds of animals running around, and his own doctor.

My question, is more about a character like Diddy. Forgive me, for phrasing the question poorly.
These people get famous, go crazy, and we let them.

If he is “found dead by apparent suicide,” I think it will be a crystal clear message, that like Epstein, he became A MAN WHO KNEW TOO MUSC.
Wulf, you have a point. I have no idea, why Epstein’s female accomplice is not considered as much of a threat.

jca2's avatar

@MrGrimm888 I’m thinking, even if no crime was committed, for example in the case of Kevin hart, if he or others were married at the time, this would probably really piss off the spouse and be grounds for divorce. That might make someone very nervous right about now, if they were married at the time of said video, even if everyone in the video were adults and consenting.

Anything involving minors of course, there’s no such thing as consenting.

MrGrimm888's avatar

^Absolutely. A LOT of problems, for a LOT of famous people, would go away if Combs was dead.

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