Social Question

janbb's avatar

If you watch the GBBS, do you find yourself going Paul Hollywood sometimes?

Asked by janbb (63145points) 1 day ago from iPhone

I just had a blueberry muffin for breakfast that was decidedly underbaked.


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5 Answers

canidmajor's avatar

Ha! Yes! I am always Prue with the out loud comments to the baker, but definitely Paul in the unspoken remarks when it doesn’t measure up. :-D

Forever_Free's avatar

I must admit I am a foodie and detest when things aren’t properly prepared. I however don’t rage over it. I temper my feedback more like Anthony Bourdain.

janbb's avatar

I wrote a response bit it didn’t post. They’re never mean on GBBS, just homest.

JLeslie's avatar

We love that show. I don’t think I’ve changed much in my criticism of baked goods since watching it.

One thing we like best is the judges aren’t mean to the contestants; and moreover, the contestants are very nice to each other. Prue seems to go out of her way to be encouraging.

The humor on the show is terrible though, I don’t find it funny, and I hate when they disturb the contestants when they’re trying to concentrate on their work.

My knowledge of the variety of desserts has increased since watching it.

I am very similar to Paul in loving lemon cakes and cookies, but there are plenty of desserts on that show that I would not like no matter how well they were prepared.

janbb's avatar

@JLeslie I agree. It is a lovely show to watch because all the people are so nice. I also don’t like the hosts interrupting the bakers with nonsense.

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