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mazingerz88's avatar

In fantastical theory, if China destroys the entire island of Taiwan and its people in just a matter of minutes, is there a country that would avenge Taiwan?

Asked by mazingerz88 (29393points) October 4th, 2024 from iPhone

Say nothing is left of Taiwan, not even a small piece of land, how would the world react? Would anyone go to war with China as a response?

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10 Answers

SQUEEKY2's avatar

Depends on the UN response.
What in a fantastical theory would China gain to wiping out Taiwan?

gondwanalon's avatar

Yes. The civilized world would take powerful actions against China such that it would never recover fully. That’s why China hasn’t invaded and taken over Taiwan yet.

jca2's avatar

I just googled it and Taiwan is considered a non-NATO ally by the US, and the US would come to its aid in the event of an unwarranted attack.

Forever_Free's avatar

In fantastical theory, Dragons, giants, or other mythical beings will retaliate.

MrGrimm888's avatar

Well. It would quite effectively end the main reason China wants Taiwan back. The tech industry.
I’m sure they wouldn’t mind having the surrounding ocean, for resources like fish, and oil.

Currently. The US, AND China, are essentially planning on a face-off in the near future.
The US, as it lacks China’s industrial production strength, and sheer number of people, and especially after lessons learned in Ukraine, are going to have a large amount of drones.
Drones in the air, on the water, and under the water.
The US has halted work on some REALLY expensive equipment, and are investing heavily in “force magnification.”
That is, making what we do have , more effective.

The waterway separating China from Taiwan, is heavily monitored.
Any invasion, would be met with not just Taiwanese military, but the US military’s full might.
It’s no joke.
Taiwan, is an anti-communist symbol, for the “free world.”

Taiwan, arguably, is more valuable to the US, than Israel.
Certainly, Taiwan is an important trade partner. Israel, is protected by Christian people in the US government, for religious reasons.

The “fight for Taiwan,” would REALLY be a fight for the Pacific.
China’s ultimate goal, is to expand it’s territory.
China has laid claim to the entirety of The South China Sea.

If, for whatever reason, they just vaporized Taiwan, I wager the US would go straight to war with China.

This is a fight many predict WILL happen. Some predict a massive Pacific war, by 2030…

The US, is already clearing old WWII runways allover the Pacific. China, is trying to make sure that it can reach us as well.

It’s a slow motion war.

Brian1946's avatar

Actually, it would be two countries.

South Korea and Japan would join forces to totally stomp North K and China.

After that, that whole area would become just two countries: Japorea and Korpan! ;-D

ragingloli's avatar

TSMC, the worlds largest semiconductor company, which supplies companies like AMD, NVIDIA, and apple, is located there, which is why Taiwan is so important to the west.
The west would only come to its defence, if TSMC could still be salvaged, otherwise they would probably do very little.

MrGrimm888's avatar

^That’s an excellent point.
Unless Taiwan is sitting on a million tons of lithium, it has little worth to the US, if even a natural disaster completely destroyed the main island somehow.

It may still have value for China though, from a military perspective.
China has been busy, building up defensive capabilities on their Eastern Coast, and any islands that could serve as airstrips or staging grounds.
As long as they are “friends,” with Russia, Taiwan is it’s closest US ally. If China has aspirations of eventually militarily enforcing their claims on The SCS, they can’t have a large island that the US could use to hamper them.

For China to meet it’s expansionist goals, it WILL eventually have militarily conflict(s) with the US military.
They know it, and the US knows it.
Since all of China’s current behavior illustrates that they are indeed on the path of war with several of it’s neighbors and the US, the US is preparing to make sure they hold sway over the Pacific Ocean for the foreseeable future.

Unfortunately for the Chinese, and American people, and the world, the leadership of these two “superpowers,” are willing to kill a LOT of citizens from the comfort of their Easy Chairs.

ragingloli's avatar

You can also infer things from the Ukraine war. Getting Ukraine the equipment it needs to defend itself against Russia is like pulling teeth. Too little, too late. And we are not even talking about direct involvement, just supplying materiel, and that is in a scenario where Russia poses a threat to the colonies biggest export market. All because of the fear of Putin’s red lines.

And now you are asking about them going directly to war with another nuclear super power over an asset that in this scenario is already lost, just to “avenge” them. I do not see it happening.

MrGrimm888's avatar

The US, is NOT Ukraine’s only hope. Europe should never have trusted the US, to support NATO.
Too much, depends on our leadership at the time of crisis.

Although I couldn’t disagree more with Trump, regarding NATO, I do believe that those countries in Europe should have been more aggressive in manufacturing or acquiring military capabilities.
Germany didn’t send tanks for a long time.
Not just Europe, but the whole world, LET Putin anex Crimea in 2014.
Then watched Putin bring tanks and artillery via rail to Ukraine’s doorstep, and slowly drive in.

I KNOW European intelligence agencies, knew about it WAY before the tanks started piling up. Yet NO alarm? No panic, in Europe?
You guys should have done whatever it took, to prepared to defend yourselves. I know steps were taken, but not enough.
NATO has had 10 years, to prepare for this.

The US screwed up too.
But it’s far, from just our fault.

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