Social Question

Hawaii_Jake's avatar

What are you doing when you are asked, and you say you're doing nothing?

Asked by Hawaii_Jake (37668points) 3 hours ago

Am I clear? Perhaps you’re puttering around the kitchen, and someone asks what you’re doing, and you say, “Nothing.”

We’re usually actually engaged in some mundane activity when we say we’re doing nothing. I’m often scrolling through the internet when I say I’m doing nothing.

What is your nothing?

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7 Answers

chyna's avatar

I’m usually just reading or working on crafts.

canidmajor's avatar

A lot of time what @chyna said, sometimes I am watching really stupid TV or goofy videos on the internet.

seawulf575's avatar

Could be anything. I could be on the computer, I could be reading a book or watching a show, I could be noodling through something that I want to figure out. The response of “nothing” to me really means “nothing I can’t walk away from”.

KNOWITALL's avatar

Usually cleaning or flipping thru recipe books.

smudges's avatar

“nothing I can’t walk away from”


cookieman's avatar

Disassociating from life for a bit.

Plus, if I say, “nothing”, it could literally mean nothing or it could mean “leave me alone”, depending on my tone.

jonsblond's avatar

Probably watching something on Bravo or Food Network.

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