Social Question

anniereborn's avatar

Could you share any memories you have of Darth_Algar?

Asked by anniereborn (15552points) 2 hours ago

Some of you may remember him. He was pretty active. He died in April of 21 and I was his wife. Today is his birthday. I’d love to hear anything you remember. It could be good or bad. I know he was a pain sometimes.

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4 Answers

Hawaii_Jake's avatar

I remember his intelligent, thorough answers to questions that sometimes seemed opaque. He was a gem.

canidmajor's avatar

I often vehemently disagreed with him, and just as often vehemently agreed with him. I remember some times being startled by the depth of his intelligence.

I miss him here.

Happy Birthday where ever you are, Jeff! <3

anniereborn's avatar

@Candimajor and @Hawaii_Jake
Thank you for your memories. Yes, he was a very intelligent man.

janbb's avatar

I remember him as being sharply intelligent with a cutting wit. I learned he was passionate about photography. He did not suffer fools gladly.

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