Social Question

jca2's avatar

What is the coolest or most exciting thing you ever bought from a thrift shop, tag sale, garage sale or antique store?

Asked by jca2 (16672points) 2 hours ago

What is the coolest thing, the most exciting thing you ever bought from a thrift store, tag sale, garage sale, etc.? This includes Goodwill, Habitat for Humanity Restore, anything like that.

It doesn’t necessarily have to be exciting to everyone else, but maybe it’s an addition to your collection, or something nostalgic, even if mundane, or maybe it’s something valuable that you got at a really low price. Maybe it’s a little crappy piece of furniture that you refinished and now you love it. Maybe it’s a book you had as a child and now you found it again.

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3 Answers

filmfann's avatar

10 DVDs from the Zatoichi series. My guess is someone died, and the family got rid of his eclectic movies. Sorry I didn’t know him.

Hawaii_Jake's avatar

About 10 years ago, I found a lucite sculpture by Van Teal at an antique store in Hilo Hawaii. The store was full of Hawaiian antiques of all varieties, and then there was this very modern lucite sculpture. I bought it without questioning. I love it, and it has a prominent place in my living room.

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