Social Question

Dutchess_III's avatar

Is it unjust to require morbidly obese people to buy two seats on a plane?

Asked by Dutchess_III (47003points) 3 hours ago

On TV I just heard this morbidly obese woman say she planned to fight that injustice.
What are your thoughts?

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7 Answers

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canidmajor's avatar

This question, as worded, is deceptively simple, the obvious answer would be that if someone is using two seats, they should purchase all the space used.

But we know that it is not nearly that simple, not even as a thought exercise. Obesity is still looked on as a result of laziness, or stupid decisions or self indulgence, but the cause is usually not so one-dimensional, the reasons, both psychological and physiological are many and varied.

It is rare enough that the airline loses enough revenue by letting an obese passenger have the extra seat to even register on the meter. I have experienced more discomfort being seated next to a large, not obese, man, who decides that “flirting” with and intimidating a small, female seatmate than sitting by an obese woman and being a bit squished.

Obviously, it would be incumbent on the larger person to inform the carrier of their size, but I think charging them extra is just bad optics for the airline, and the positive publicity of compassion and generosity would be priceless.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

Morbidly obese means the can’t fit into a regular seat and need the second seat, say about 18 inch wide seat and morbidly obese at 20 or more inches . . . will not fit, also the they will need a seat belt extension.

That said some airlines do not charge for the second seat. . .

jca2's avatar

I’ve often felt that airlines should have several wider bench type seats, the way doctors’ offices do, to accommodate larger people. The larger passengers might willingly pay more to be more comfortable in a larger seat, the way people with long legs may pay more for a seat with more legroom.

Blackwater_Park's avatar

Could it be that the airline seats are just way too fucking small and too close together? No, it just can’t be that.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Well they are NOW @Blackwater_Park. They weren’t always.
The seats didn’t change. The average person has.

jca2's avatar

@Dutchess its a fact that airline seats have become narrower and closer together in recent decades.

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