General Question

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

Please give me some advice on pork ribs that were left out for 10 hours?

Asked by RedDeerGuy1 (24841points) 6 days ago

Yesterday at 5am I made 3 racks of pork ribs, and I fell asleep until 3pm. They are dried out, and I wonder if they are safe to eat? I wrapped them in ziploc bags and put in the crisper.

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13 Answers

Tropical_Willie's avatar

Toss them, anytime over 3 or 4 hours at room temp the food can make you sick.

jca2's avatar

I would eat it. I’m braver than most, unless it’s hot weather or it involves mayonnaise.

Forever_Free's avatar

I would error on the side of toss them. It’s not worth it.

JLeslie's avatar

Trash. I hate when that happens.

ragingloli's avatar

i forgot to put my leftover mushroom soup into the fridge, and I had to toss it next morning.
I would not trust meat either.

Forever_Free's avatar

Don’t mess around with pork in that way.

According to food safety guidelines, you should not keep pork out at room temperature for more than two hours before refrigerating it; this applies to both raw and cooked pork.
Key points to remember:
Bacteria growth:
Leaving pork out for longer than two hours allows bacteria to rapidly multiply, potentially causing foodborne illness.

flutherother's avatar

If in doubt, chuck it out.

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

Update I chucked them out. Thanks.

mazingerz88's avatar

@jca2 With you there. I would have eaten it. 10 hours in that condition and situation is nothing. Make it 24 those ribs are still good.

jca2's avatar

@mazingerz88 I remember once, at work, I ordered Chinese food on a Friday and it came with an egg roll. It was too much food and I didn’t eat the egg roll. I left it in the wax paper bag on my desk and forgot to take it home. Monday when I got to work, I said to everyone that the egg roll was on my desk all weekend and I’m going to eat it. Everyone said “Nooo! Don’t eat it! Don’t eat it!” I ate it and it was fine and I was fine.

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