General Question

mazingerz88's avatar

Do you believe in karma?

Asked by mazingerz88 (29150points) 5 days ago from iPhone

As in when reflecting on good fortune that came to you in life was more likely due to good deeds you have done in the past?

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11 Answers

Hawaii_Jake's avatar

No. I’m a spiritual person, but I don’t believe there is any explanation of how spirit works that is absolutely correct. They’re all man made and flawed.

ragingloli's avatar

I believe in cause and effect. I do not believe in a cosmic force enacting some vague conception of justice.

Caravanfan's avatar

The only karma I believe in is Oliver’s Woofing Theorem. All hail the great prophet Jim Oliver who has brought us the words of the Woofing Gods.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Only in that if you’re a shitty person shitty things will happen to you. Nothing spiritual about it. Just natural consequences.
Conversely if you’re a nice person shitty things will still happen to you. Tis what tis.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Do the Woofing Gods have a football team @Caravanfan?

Zaku's avatar

No. I more or less believe in what actual karma is, though. And I also believe that people suffer when they act cruelly, because I believe that people have fundamentally good elements in them, and so when they do terrible things to others, I think the other parts of themselves suffer greatly and for a very long time, until/unless that gets resolved.

flutherother's avatar

I don’t believe in karma and I don’t quite not believe in karma either. If there is karma, I don’t think there is enough of it and I personally try to help good people while ignoring the bad.

Caravanfan's avatar

@Dutchess_III Yes, but only you and I know what it is.

raum's avatar

I mean, it’s satisfying to say it’s karma when bad things happen to bad people.

But statistically, I’d say more bad things happen to good people.

So, guess my answer is “not really”.

Blackberry's avatar

Like raging said, I believe in cause and effect.

Bad people get away with stuff all the time, and we just pretend “they’ll have trouble sleeping at night” as if that is true justice.

MrGrimm888's avatar

Loli got it.
I used to get sort of made fun of, when I would let people get away with punching me, when I used to bounce. I rarely hit people, and usually just wrapped bad guys up, and threw them out. Sometimes, I’d get punched, or worse, in the process.
As I was such a big man, people would ask “why didn’t you kick that guy’s ass, for hitting you?
You could have killed him.”

In many cases, they were correct. I only hurt people enough, to make them leave usually. Occasionally, I would even tear some shoulders up, and send people away needing surgery. But I HATED arresting people.
Plus, I know how things work.
And I would tell that, to my other bouncers. We don’t have to tune this guy up, if he acts like this wherever he goes from hear, he’ll eventually get what’s coming to him. And it won’t be ME, that has to go to prison for things to be “right.”

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