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raum's avatar

Why does a certain green headlight make me nauseous?

Asked by raum (13322points) 5 days ago from iPhone

No other headlights make me nauseous. No other types of green light make me nauseous.

Is it the specific wavelength? Is it an LED strobing at a certain cadence?

Why does it make me want to hurl? And what can I do about it?

Luckily I don’t see them too often. Maybe three times so far? I just drive with one hand and block the car from my line of vision as I drive.

Admittedly not the best solution.

Nothing seems to be wrong with my eyes. Just went to the eye doctor on Monday for a routine checkup.

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15 Answers

Brian1946's avatar

Could it be that what you’ve seen,
are headlights of Soylent Green?! ;-0

I Goog’d “nausea inducing headlights” and the first page leans toward cadence:

“LED lights can cause nausea because they flicker hundreds of times per second. The flicker is so quick that it’s often not noticeable, but it can still make some people feel unwell or dizzy. Symptoms usually go away when you move away from the light and aren’t usually a long-term concern.”

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

Off the top of my head. I would say photosensitive epilepsy.

raum's avatar

@Brian1946 It’s interesting if that’s the case. I wonder if wearing a type of lens would mitigate that effect. The first time it happened, I was so nauseous I had to pull over. :/

@RedDeerGuy1 Pretty sure I don’t have epilepsy. Nauseous, not seizures.

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

@raum That is great. Maybe it is something that you negatively associate that color of? For example when I see someone vomit I get nauseated as well.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

It maybe Abdominal Epilepsy. The seizure occurs in the gut, but EEG shows the seizure in brainwaves.

I’m not a doctor.

Brian1946's avatar


“I wonder if wearing a type of lens would mitigate that effect. The first time it happened, I was so nauseous I had to pull over. :/”

Wow, I’m sorry it has such a disruptive effect on your driving. :(
Driving can be stressful enough as it is, without adding a struggle against the urge to purge.

Here’s a Google page on flicker-neutralizing glasses.

Perhaps you already realize this, but if you do get FN glasses, I’d suggest getting those with comprehensive peripheral protection.

smudges's avatar

It’s only green headlights, right? Could it be something to do with the lights combined with driving and moving yourself.

Brian1946's avatar

I was wondering what vehicles have green headlights.

The only headlight colors I’ve usually seen are pale yellow, white, and the very pale blue neon headlights. The one-offs are black light lanterns.

Here’s what I just found @ Googzilla:

“Cars with green headlights are not legal in California or the UK, except for emergency vehicles. This is because green headlights typically don’t emit enough light to be visible or help drivers at night. In the UK, it’s also illegal for any vehicle to have blue or red lights visible, unless it’s an emergency vehicle.”

raum's avatar

@RedDeerGuy1 I actually love the color green!

raum's avatar

@Tropical_Willie Well that is really interesting! Though probably not me either. It sounds like people who have this also experience other types of seizures?

raum's avatar

@smudges That’s an interesting theory! Now I’m curious if I’d have the same reaction while not driving. Hmmm

raum's avatar

@Brian1946 The ones I’ve encountered have been on modded cars. :/

Dang wish there was a way to test the efficacy of those glasses. Not even sure why I’m having this reaction.

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

Could it be synesthesia?(sp)

Brian1946's avatar


“Dang wish there was a way to test the efficacy of those glasses.”

How about consulting your eye doctor about this?

MrGrimm888's avatar

There are such things, as “driving glasses.”
I used to wear them at night, on my motorcycle. Mostly, they are a yellow color, and subsequently change the color of many things. Possible solution?

I was very concerned about a medical issue, but you say you went to your doctor….

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