Social Question

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

Can you answer this dating phrase?

Asked by RedDeerGuy1 (24841points) 4 days ago

Years ago I was told that women marry up.
What does that mean?

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8 Answers

Hawaii_Jake's avatar

I think it means they consider their own socio-economic level, and they try to marry someone above that level.

KNOWITALL's avatar

Its a sexist saying, that means women marry a higher class man. Usually implying they’re a gold-digger.

Dutchess_III's avatar

I sure as hell missed that memo!

janbb's avatar

I married sideways in both looks and intelligence. We “upped” financially together.

Brian1946's avatar

My wife lives about 5 miles north and about 1.5 miles west of me, so she married SSW. ;-)

Incoherency_'s avatar

My wife, Morgan Fairchild (whom I have seen naked!!), married way down. ;-p


Correction, you geographically-challenged dork: your poor wife married SSE.

cookieman's avatar

It’s an old fashioned and sexist idea.

This reminds me of that Cher quote. Her mother once said to her, “You should marry a rich man”, to which Cher responded, “Mama, I am a rich man.”

(@janbb: Same. My wife and I are similarly educated and both started with no money. Worked our way up together.)

SnipSnip's avatar

I did marry up. I didn’t try to; I didn’t even really realize how far up I was marrying. Anyway, I left that clan after I got the most important things… girls.

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