Social Question

elbanditoroso's avatar

What would be a believable Halloween costume for a trad wife?

Asked by elbanditoroso (33487points) 1 day ago

Dress? Stockings? Heels?

Carrying a bible? Maybe a decorative hat?

A friend and I were brainstorming last night and were trying to come up with a typical trad wife ‘look’.

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13 Answers

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

Dorthy Gale from the Wizard of Oz.
Or Half-Pint from Little House on the Paririe.
Anne of Green Gables.

KNOWITALL's avatar

Long dress, no heels but pumps or flats, hair un a neat chignon or long/straight. No makeup. Trad wives dont carry bibles. You should also not speak unless spoken to, laufh too loud or too much and frequently look at your husband for approval.
To be a true trad wife you’d be pregnant or at home with all your kids, the husband goes out alone usually. Js

canidmajor's avatar

Collar and leash

janbb's avatar

I would just go straight for the Handmaid’s Tale outfit.

ragingloli's avatar

A niqab/burqa.

JLeslie's avatar

I had to look up tradwife to make sure I knew what it was. I never heard that shorthand before.

I would dress like June Cleaver in that 50 style dress with a half apron around the waist. Preferably the apron has a little ruffle around the edge.

Low healed closed toe shoe.

Short-ish hairstyle, or up in a bun or “up and down” maybe if her hair is long. Waves or under curls.

canidmajor's avatar

@elbanditoroso You seem to be a bit invested in this topic, this is your second (that I am aware of) question on this topic.

@JLeslie I am surprised you were unfamiliar with the term, you were very active on @elbanditoroso’s last Q on the subject.

JLeslie's avatar

@canidmajor I don’t remember it. I swear my statin gives me amnesia. Was it a while ago?

elbanditoroso's avatar

@canidmajor so what? do you keep statistics on what people ask about?

I find trad wide an interesting phenomenon since it is so far removed from current societal mores.

canidmajor's avatar

@JLeslie My Long Covid does the same, memory is hit or miss, sometimes.

@elbanditoroso Geez, just curious. I happened to remember it, that’s all. <eyeroll>

JLeslie's avatar

When was the Q? I would like to know what I wrote.

If you recently started a statin I would consider it a possible factor in memory loss. I am not the only person I know with that side effect. I think doctors dismiss impaired memory in older people, so they don’t relate it to the statin. It doesn’t surprise me covid could do it too.

mazingerz88's avatar

Dress style depends on which wife in which decade. Plus have her carry a baby doll, a toy iron and a toy spatula or frying pan…to be juggled.

KNOWITALL's avatar

@elbanditoroso Its not unusual in my area at all due to multiple religious factions from Amish to Mormon to fundy Baptists.
If your on fb or IG I can send current pics of people in the trad wife life FT. PM if that would be helpful.

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