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mazingerz88's avatar

How do you keep a Venus Flytrap plant alive?

Asked by mazingerz88 (29162points) 4 days ago from iPhone

Just saw some Venus Flytrap plants being sold in a grocery
store. Thanks!

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5 Answers

janbb's avatar

Feed Me!

smudges's avatar

I’ve seen people feed them tiny bits of hamburger, but apparently that’s a big no-no…bugs only.

Great info!

Zaku's avatar

I have some when I was a kid.

That article and the ones it links to mention ways to be careful about feeding, which I think are important, as mine eventually had some problems. We thought it was from over-feeding, and I know I shouldn’t have put ants in it (they sometimes escape, wasting a lot of the plant’s energy), but it could also have been other mistakes I made as a kid.

snowberry's avatar

Obviously your Venus fly trap should be able to “eat” any bug- or piece of bug that’s small enough for the trap to close around it. If no bugs are available outside, go to a pet store and buy a cricket. You could actually buy a few and freeze the ones you won’t use right away. Now the icky part is to cut up your cricket into pieces small enough for the trap.

LuckyGuy's avatar

I have never had one last. If I left the cover on to keep it moist, it molded. If I took the cover off it dried out. There seemed to be an impossible thin line between too much and and too little humidity. I fed it live bugs occasionally. It still died..
While it was alive it was fun for the grand kids.

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