Social Question

JLeslie's avatar

Would you consider running for public office if you didn't have to worry about persoanl attacks?

Asked by JLeslie (65699points) 1 day ago

Let’s assume you have done nothing heinous. No felonies, you have never physically hurt someone, you aren’t an alcoholic, nothing blatantly and objectively criminal or bad.

Mostly, I mean the opposition digging into your past and maybe finding an embarrassing photo of you, or an old conversation online that you regret or you have changed your mind from the age of 20 to now when you are 40. Worse, they dig into the past of a family member.

Another concern might be your safety or the safety of your family.

I recently heard a statistic about how many offices are uncontested in our elections in the US. I don’t remember the number, but it was big. I think there are a lot of opportunities for new people to get into politics.

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10 Answers

SQUEEKY2's avatar

Not a chance.

canidmajor's avatar

2024 has shown us that personal attacks are never off the table.
So, no.

elbanditoroso's avatar

No way. By definition, politics is prostitution. You have to sell yourself to raise enough money to be elected. Which means you sell your ideals and your ethics.

Besides to be a politician, you have to have a HUGE ego. Even down to the councilman or count commissioner level. I don’t have the ego need that politicans do.

jca2's avatar


I used to work closely with politicians and I always said i don’t know why anybody would want to do that job. They might do something good and people would say they had bad intentions, and they don’t know who their friends are, they owe favors to everyone, the list of reasons why I wouldn’t want that job is a long one but i gave you some of the highlights.

seawulf575's avatar

Personal attacks don’t bother me. They tell people more about the one attacking than the one being attacked. But I have no desire to run for public office. Even without personal attacks there are too many corrupt, power-hungry people in office and WAY too much game playing going on. That is, after all, what is really wrong with politics.

MrGrimm888's avatar

I would probably actually focus on personal attacks.
The public has the attention span, if a Goldfish.
Playing into the circus acts, seems to be a decent strategy.
Maybe beating up some naysayers in my front yard, would be my rise to power…

Forever_Free's avatar

No Thanks. I volunteer my time for other worthy causes.

RocketGuy's avatar

No, there are too many “Karens” who would ruin the experience. These people are too self-important to agree to imperfect solutions that would benefit the majority of constituents.

KNOWITALL's avatar

No, the entire system is corrupt bottom (local) to top (DC).

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