General Question

Caravanfan's avatar

What will you do when Trump wins his second term?

Asked by Caravanfan (13702points) 23 hours ago

There are people here who will obviously be happy, and that’s great for them. For the rest of us, how will you prepare emotionally? Just keep on keeping on, or will you get involved somehow?

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28 Answers

gorillapaws's avatar

If I’m being honest, I’ll probably spend my time explaining how “lesser of two evil” voting lead to this outcome and why we need a viable 3rd party or this will keep happening.

Caravanfan's avatar

@gorillapaws What really really need is a “no party” system, and we need to abolish the Electoral College. But neither of those will ever happen.

gorillapaws's avatar

“No party” is infinitely preferable to the status quo, and I’d be thrilled if the EC were abolished. My hope is that Kamala wins and then immediately resigns and lets Walz take over. If that requires her to have a crippling stroke, I’d consider it an acceptable karmic retribution.

Blackberry's avatar

Watch out for white supremacists and keep my gun on me until the hype dies down.

janbb's avatar

If Trump wins, I will switch my donation plans to 100% humanitarian causes and try to ignore US politics. It will mean this country is too stupid to save.

canidmajor's avatar

Try to anticipate how to deal with a Vance presidency, and devote as many resources as I can to women’s and children’s issues of all kinds.

jonsblond's avatar

Correction, *if he wins.

Caravanfan's avatar

@jonsblond Color me a pessimist. What’s funny is that when I was a kid I won an “optimist” award. Strange how things work out.

jca2's avatar

I just wrote a long post and lost it. Ugh.

I’ve been feeling like he’s going to win. Except for a few rare instances in the past few months, I’ve been feeling like Harris is the underdog. There’s so much misinformation out there.

There’s definitely a lot of fear on both sides that if the other side wins, it’s going to be the end of Democracy.

I remember when Trump won last time, I went to bed feeling hopeful and woke up feeling shocked.

Trump lovers seem to feel that no matter what he wants to do, he’s entitlted to do it.

If he loses, the Trump lovers will be crying that it’s a stolen election. It’s almost like he has to win no matter what, whether it’s legit or if they protest and say it was stolen, and they throw tantrums like babies.

jonsblond's avatar

@Caravanfan We were supposed to have a red wave in 2022. It was a blue tsunami. Pollsters underestimated democrats after Roe was overturned.

I took a fall drive through rural SW Wisconsin Saturday through three counties of mostly hills and farmland. I was surprised to see the amount of Harris signs on farmland and homes that I did. I’ve never seen anything like it. It’s expected in liberal Madison, but not the rural areas. I’m not exaggerating when I say 75% of the signs were for Harris. Of course the Trump signs are big to make you think Trump is in the lead, but the small signs for Harris, many homemade, dominated the land.

I know this is a close race but I do have hope. I will not stress and worry until or if I need to.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

Wonder in your country how you can elect a convicted felon?
Also wonder when the next trade war will start ,with his idiot plan to tariff all imported goods coming into your country.
Also how long it will take him to gift wrap Ukraine as a present for his buddy Puttin.

seawulf575's avatar

I’ll start by watching MSNBC, ABC, NBC, CNN, et al; break down into tears. Then I’ll likely start to see, right on the heels of that, a repeat of 2016 where the Dems start calling for impeachment before he is even sworn into office. And we will likely spend the next 4 years watching the Dems be obstructionists.

Caravanfan's avatar

@jonsblond From your words to God’s ears.
@seawulf575 I only hope the Democrats are obstructionist to the orange fascist.

chyna's avatar

@seawulf575 You mean like the republicans have acted the last 4 years?

Caravanfan's avatar

To be clear, I have absolutely no problem with Congress being obstructionist to the President, whether it’s a Republican or Democratic Congess. It’s how our system was designed. I may not agree with it all the time, but it’s fine.

tinyfaery's avatar

Be glad I live in a very blue state with a governor who isn’t afraid of the Repugs.

jca2's avatar

I am guessing, also, that if Trump wins, the Democratic party will be reassessing itself for the next election. Remember, it was only after that disaster of a debate three months ago that Harris started campaigning. Until that point, it was “circle the wagons around Biden.” Ideally, Biden would have not been allowed to go foward when talk of re-election came about, a year ago, and then the Dem party would have been able to choose a candidate, and campaign properly.

I had asked several questions about Biden and made a bunch of comments on questions here, and many (most) were insisting he’s sharp as a tack, as strong as ever, and re: the debate, he just had a “bad night.” In real life, I had discussions with my Dem friends and they also defended Biden and his right to run again. It was only after the debate, and when politicians started saying he should drop out, and then media outlets that were always liberal, such as the NY Times started saying he should drop out, that he was convinced to drop out after Obama and Pelosi put the nails in the coffin.

Even though I’m a Democrat, I think I was pretty realistic in saying that Biden can’t put two sentences together and he should drop out.

jonsblond's avatar

The neighborhoods where I live on the isthmus in Madison, WI are very progressive and left leaning. I could see the locals surrounding our isthmus to protect us from the civil war the far right like to talk about. I feel safe where I live. I’d be surrounded by thousands of highly intelligent people.

gondwanalon's avatar

I’ll do the same thing when Harris wins. I’ll be doing fun stuff as usual.

jonsblond's avatar

I think I’m getting my safety idea from all the zombie movies I’ve been watching this month. :D

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

I am already stocked up on toilet paper and canned goods. I am good.

JLeslie's avatar

I’ll mostly ignore it. I’ll be crossing my fingers that the Democrats are being overly paranoid.

I’ll hope my husband doesn’t obsess and talk about it every day.

I’ll seriously look into putting some money off shore. I’ll continue to push my husband to get his Mexican passport (I’ve been trying for years).

Maybe I’ll keep my registration Republican. I changed it to vote in the primary to vote against Trump.

anniereborn's avatar

Cry and hide under my bed for the next four years.

KNOWITALL's avatar

Either way I’ll live my life, @gondwanalon style. If Trump wins I certainly do expect a lot of hysterics from the Left and gloating from the Right…and vice versa on a Kamala win.
Whomever wins better get the violence calmed down and the economy fixed.
My money’s on a Trump win, for good or ill.

MrGrimm888's avatar

I may become a millionaire, by selling Chinese made shirts with American flags, coupled with extremely stupid and shameful words.
I don’t think that I have the lack of integrity required, to take advantage of such gullible idiots.

Ultimately. If a fraction of the worst happens, a LOT will depend on my ability to continue to draw ss disability until hopefully I’m healthy enough to make a living.

If Trump loses, I will legitimately fear that Trump could talk his sheep into being violent.
That fear, is mainly for them, as I still don’t believe that our National Guard, or military, will obey Trump and actually hirt American citizens they swore to protect (thank you.)
If Trump has no ability to use the US military against it’s own citizens, he has little more than a handful of veterans of ME wars, and a lot of “Jerry Springer” audience members.

They could overwhelm some positions, and probably do a lot of public lynching until stopped.
January 6th, was the best his mob of followers could do, at his hour of greatest need for them. Ultimately. Trump’s mob (which reminded me of “Purge” characters,) was mostly successful at breaking a lot of things, and recording themselves committing vandalism and various other crimes in The Capitol Building.
Speaking of which, he’ll likely pardon most of the people he talked into going to prison, because he’ll need every sheep he can muster, so he can go out with a bang.
I think/know, Trump hasn’t the slightest concern, that his lies and shit stirring will likely get people killed.
In the end, the one’s killed would be his. The one’s soon to be likely imprisoned would be Trumpers.
Of course, victims would likely be minorities, as far as Trump’s “militias” go. They wouldn’t be able to hold any captured territory, so the worst they could do is try and kill a lot of innocent people over a billionaire whose been using them for years.

I have possibly thought of moving, but politics have not been a variable in that thought process.

I have said, and continue to say, I will try to lay low, if there is violence. I don’t wish, to harm any of MY countrymen. I’m fairly certain there won’t be ANY type of issue, if Trump wins.

I think he will win. I thought this for years, and I don’t discount Harris, but Trump winning would fit the script better. Life has been INSANE.
That things like “The Simpsons,” and “Idiocracy,” that were SO sarcastic and ridiculous that they were funny once, but are proving to be fact, is fascinating.

I’m not sure about Harris. It’s going to be a challenging near future. It’s hard to see how she would be worse, but I’m unsure.
Not that my opinion matters, but I don’t have great trust in her, and her strategy is looking more and more like Hillary’s in 2016. This “I’m not Trump” strategy, doesn’t work (for some reason.)
I’m hopeful she wins, but have a list of concerns about that.

Trump. I think I’ve been pretty clear about how I feel about him.

I’ll say this; trying to be optimistic, maybe Trump will keep us out of direct war. Strategically, that could be a bad thing, but me, I just don’t want so much killing.
Trump didn’t get the US mired, in any drawn out military conflicts. I’ve always “given” him that…

More than ANYTHING, I want to be America again. What an odd time.

seawulf575's avatar

@Caravanfan “I only hope the Democrats are obstructionist to the orange fascist.” Define Fascist.

Forever_Free's avatar

I will have to live the nightmare.

Blackwater_Park's avatar

Won’t be any different than if Harris wins. I agree with your assessment that Trump will win though.

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