General Question

YARNLADY's avatar

Does anyone believe gender change operations are taking place in schools?

Asked by YARNLADY (46775points) October 22nd, 2024

I will never vote for a candidate who claims a boy goes to school and comes back a girl.

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127 Answers

Lightlyseared's avatar

Apert from Trump republicans?

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Blackwater_Park's avatar

I don’t think anyone believes these operations are happening at school.

jca2's avatar

Has a candidate said that a boy goes to school and comes back a girl?

elbanditoroso's avatar

Think about it. Are you aware of any schools that have full-on operating rooms, nursing staffs, recovery rooms, and full medical equipment as befits a hospital.

Of course not. This is idiocy, pure and simple

elbanditoroso's avatar

You may not like the question, wulf, but the basis of it is a comment that your preferred candidate made. So it is fair game for discussion on this forum.

jonsblond's avatar

@jca2 Trump said it.

jca2's avatar

@jonsblond I don’t doubt it. Is there a link?

jca2's avatar

Yes, @jonsblond I posted a link as well. Thanks.

Forever_Free's avatar

I can’t wait to read the book that amasses all these weird creepy comments he makes.
This recent one made me laugh so hard.
“your kid goes to school and comes home a few days later with an operation.”
How can ANYONE believe this man.

ragingloli's avatar

Yes, and it is the same people that believe that democrats harvest baby adrenochrome in the backrooms of pizzar parlors.
The same people that believe that the democrats control hurricanes.
The same people that believe in Jewish space lasers.
The same people that believe Haitians eat people’s cats and dogs.
The same people that believe in the “woke mind virus”.
The same people that believe that the orangutan won the 2020 election.

jca2's avatar

@ragingloli Don’t forget that the vaccine has chips in it so Bill Gates can keep track of you.

jca2's avatar

What’s sad is that people believe all this crap, literally to the detail. They really believe that kids are getting sex changes in school (yup, they sure are, Jethro, I’m tellin ya). Whatever Trump says, they think it’s Gospel.

janbb's avatar

And yet there’s one of them in this august group who thinks we’re all crazy!

jonsblond's avatar

@jca2 and our links are proof he’s said it at least twice to two different audiences.

jca2's avatar

@jonsblond Oh, ok, gotcha.

JLeslie's avatar

What?! How does anyone believe an operation is taking place in a school?

I do differ on this topic from many Democrats in that I do think Democrats are going too far in their defense of allowing transwomen compete in sports, but K-8 I am not concerned about this at all.

I stand with female nurses and female patients who are speaking out who are uncomfortable being treated or expected to be naked with transwomen. It really depends on the situation.

I also fully support people being able to transition, but I think we should be wary how we handle young children. I do believe there are children who know very young they are supposed to be the other gender. There are also medical situation where gender is ambiguous, but also there is so much out there about no gender or changing gender that I do think it influences children and I am concerned they would have pressure on them not to change their mind if they began to feel differently.

I hate this has become such a political issue. It should be a health issue, and in schools we should promote kindness, understanding, and acceptance of all people. We should have bathrooms and showers that allow for privacy not only for trans but also for modest children. Changing in the locker rooms is really difficult for quite a few children, especially 6,7,8th grade.

chyna's avatar

Apparently some people believe this insaneness.

KNOWITALL's avatar

That was very weird. Indoctrinating oe grooming maybe, as he’s said before, but the actual surgery? Wow.
Dont get me wrong, I’m no fan of Kamala, but that is a blatent lie without proof.

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jca2's avatar

I live in a blue state, in a town (school district) that’s about 50/50 Dem and Repub and the school nurse won’t give out any medication at all if there’s not a full permission slip from a parent. She won’t give an OTC aspirin or Tylenol – if the kid is sick, the parent gets called and the parent can pick the kid up or make other arrangement (like the kid can rest in the nurse’s office if that’s an option). Even though it’s a blue state, there are no gender surgeries happening in any school that I know of. It’s another talking point/lie to get voters riled up and thinking the Dems are coming for your children to indoctrinate them without your permission.

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filmfann's avatar

We’ll find out in 2 weeks.

gorillapaws's avatar

If we’re being pedantic, I think it’s very likely that there are university hospitals doing these procedures.

Pandora's avatar

He’s a traveling carnival showman. The craziest stuff can come out of his mouth and the Right doesn’t care. He can have a full mental test done live and fail publically and they will still vote for him. I don’t believe they believe him, about operations but they believe that schools are turning their children gay by just teaching acceptance. Yeah, schools don’t even pay for tissues or crayons or pencils. Now kids have to bring their own supplies. So anyone who believes they would spend money on surgery is a full-blown moron.

Zaku's avatar

There are so many absurd MAGA lies, it’s horrifying to think about how many people might be believing how many of them, despite how preposterous they are.

“They’re eating the cats…”

These lies SHOULD have revealed to practically everyone, long ago that Trump and MAGA were lying nutjobs.

jonsblond's avatar

There aren’t even surgeries being done at hospitals to anyone under the age of 18. The only exception might be breast reduction or possibly top surgery, but that’s rare and requires parental consent.

JLeslie's avatar

@gorillapaws might be right about universities.

elbanditoroso's avatar

Right, universities may do them. But that’s off topic.

Trump was talking about Public schools in NYC. Not university medical centers.

Caravanfan's avatar

Trump and the Republicans are leaning hard into the whole transgender non-issue.

janbb's avatar

^^ While women are dying from not getting the medical treatment they need.

MrGrimm888's avatar

If someone told me that, I’d immediately be mad at them, for the severe insult to my intelligence.
If you think I’m dumb enough to vote for you, because I am too stupid to not understand that my little boy could come home from school as a girl (without my knowledge,) as bullshit, I’d certainly NOT vote for you.

Trump’s sheep get mad at people calling them stupid, but Trump is cultivating and expounding that as reality.

snowberry's avatar

For those who may be unaware, surgeries happen in hospitals, not schools, unless of course, the hospital is part of a medical school, and then it’s both.

jca2's avatar

@snowberry and medical schools, when they perform surgeries, perform them in a hospital or other medical setting, not in the school nurse’s office lol.

KNOWITALL's avatar

@Caravanfan Democrats are putting language 7about ‘healthcare’ in with abortions and asking for taxpayer dollars. So to some its very much an issue.
My state votes Nov 5th and is likely NOT repealing the abortion ban due to the language used. We certainly are not willing to foot the bill for illegal immigrants and prisoners to get transition surgeries. Ironically all we’ll hear is that the abortion ban was not repealed and how awful red states are, when in reality we just refuse to be conned by poorly written legislation.

Demosthenes's avatar

@Caravanfan The ironic part being that talking about it too much puts people off, including those who are not overtly supportive of trans people. But it’s just a fact that obsessing over children’s genitals is weird. I know the “weird” moment has largely passed, but it would probably behove Republican politicians to not to constantly talk about it, from my POV. For most people I know, their votes are primarily motived by the economy, not by trans hysteria. And as a gay person, I’m well aware that “trans” has largely replaced “gay” as the deviant, sexual thing to fear and loathe. There will come a time when it too will fade from the public consciousness.

Dutchess_III's avatar

But what level of stupidity does this take? It’s not like they got a haircut in school.

KNOWITALL's avatar

@Demosthenes Somewhat true for some but many, such as myself, are accepting of others decisions but we dont want to pay for it.
Similar with abortion. We have our own bills and healthcare to pay for, so do as you will without taxpayer funds. Seems like reasonable compromise.

Caravanfan's avatar

@KNOWITALL Yes, I love how Christians are ready to put an evil fascist dictator who is only interested in protecting and enriching himself just to protect the laws that take away a women’s right to do what she wants with her own body.

Demosthenes's avatar

@KNOWITALL That’s fair, but I guess it depends on whether it is considered “healthcare”, as you said. I think these things tend to get blown out of proportion no matter what. I’m not sure how many prisoners are seeking SRS, but it simply can’t be that many.

KNOWITALL's avatar

@Demosthenes Kamala talks about it often. Actual numbers (or any actual answers) from her are slim to none.

@Caravanfan At least Donald got voted in democratically unlike Kamala. And ya’ll trotting out warmonger Cheney like that’s a prize. Trump is the first President in 40 years to have no new wars.
We all want abortion safe right? Then why does our bill say doctors cant be sued, no health dept oversight, and taxpayer funded? The last clinic was shut down because old blood and tissue were everywhere, its nasty and unsafe for women. As a doctor you want a procedure in a nasty shithole with no legal recourse??

jca2's avatar

I’m wondering if actual stats on prisoners’ medical care is able to be googled, since it’s taxpayers’ dollars.

KNOWITALL's avatar

@jca2 Trump was okay with medical necessity but the first happened in 2022 so he gets no credit for his stance.
Actual numbers are difficilt to find. I’d love to do the math.

jca2's avatar

I’m guessing stats are compiled somewhere, since it’s the government, they love their stats.

Forever_Free's avatar

I am still waiting for one of the MAGA supporters on here try to answer this question. I wonder why they are not chiming in.

KNOWITALL's avatar

@ForeverFree How do you define MAGA supporter? I’m voting for Trump and answered but sadly no hat, shirt, rallies or any great love for him. Ha!

Dutchess_III's avatar

What is your logic for voting for him @KNOWITALL?

KNOWITALL's avatar

Have you been watching Kamala’s interviews? No substance, few facts. Her 3.5 years of policy including Ukraine and the border have not been impressive. Bragging about Cheneys endorsement was one of the dealbreakers, we don’t want more wars.
I see her change her voice at rallies to sound southern or black, she kicked out the Jesus is Lord folks with a message they were at the wrong rally. She wants free sex changes for illegal immigrants and prisoners. She owns a gun but supports mandatory gun confiscations.
She refuses even now to admit she lied about Biden being fit for office. The way she slid in after they booted Biden was not by a democratic vote either.

I could get deep into it but thats a few issues.

chyna's avatar

Harris supports a gun buy back of assault weapons: Harris addressed gun buybacks several times during the 2019 campaign.

During an October 2019 gun control forum in Las Vegas, Harris joined two primary rivals in supporting the mandatory buyback of assault weapons.
“We have to have a buyback program, and I support a mandatory gun buyback program,” Harris said. “It’s got to be smart, we got to do it the right way. But there are 5 million (assault weapons) at least, some estimate as many as 10 million, and we’re going to have to have smart public policy that’s about taking those off the streets, but doing it the right way.” PolitiFacts
Also this on gender affirming care:
The Trump ad frames Harris’ position as if it’s a very unusual and extreme stance. However, her stance is actually required by the Constitution. The Eighth Amendment of the Constitution restricts “cruel and unusual punishment” from being applied to prisoners or detainees in any context — this extends to healthcare as well. Because of this amendment, it’s unlawful to deny essential healthcare to anyone detained by the U.S. government.

Gender-affirming care is medically necessary according to leading medical associations like the American Medical Association and also the U.S. government. The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services’ Offices for Civil Rights details how denial of coverage for gender-affirming care violates the Americans with Disabilities Act. Earlier this year, federal courts ruled that such care is medically necessary and needs to be included in state-funded health insurance plans.

Caravanfan's avatar

Interesting how Trumpists say “no more war” and yet Trump idolizes Hitler

janbb's avatar

@KNOWITALL Sure has drunk the MAGA Kool-Aide. I am surprised. I wonder if your many gay friends would be happy with your support of Trump? All mine are terrified.

Frankly, the many women who are dying because they are hemorrhaging and can’t get medical care are of more concern to me than that the government might pay for a very few prisoners who need gender affirming care. I have to wonder sometimes at those who call themselves “pro-life.”

Blackwater_Park's avatar

The rationalization on both sides here is absolutely astounding. Since we have more on the left here I must ask. Why does it not scare you that we have no idea who has really been running things during the Biden administration? No, it was not Biden. Harris appears to be in the same boat, a figurehead who can hardly be bothered to prepare for interviews. Who is running things in this administration? That should scare the shit out of you. Why is the economy so fucked up? why are we in so many proxy wars? It screams Oligarchy. Before you paint me as a Trump supporter, I’m not voting in this election. I simply cannot.

canidmajor's avatar

And the concern about the the tax dollars being spent for health care. The tax dollars spent if the MAGA camp gets in will,indeed, be your tax dollars, because the billionaires will be getting the tax breaks.

Anybody who prefers to vote for Trump is likely really voting for Vance who, remember, was happy to throw his own constituents under the bus.

KNOWITALL's avatar

Ya’ll are crazy thinking trans surgeries is more important than our seniors, vets and kids that need help.

canidmajor's avatar

You are tunnel-visioning all the concerns expressed here, @KNOWITALL. Very one dimensional, and neatly packaged of you.

jca2's avatar

In my opinion, pro lifers are really only concerned about not providing abortions. Once the kid is born, it’s on its own. The moms need lots of support, especially a mom that maybe wanted an abortion because of stressors in her life but couldn’t get one. Many would say well, she should just give the kid up to foster care. I don’t know about in your states, but in my state, foster parents get money. Foster parents get paid. They get a stipend. The kid is eligible for Medicaid, as it should be because the foster parent wouldn’t be expected to provide medical insurance for it. The kid is eligible for public assistance and all that (too much to detail here). If the kid remains with mom, they really need a lot of services. The mom might need substance abuse counseling. She might need parenting classes. She might need mental health/therapy. She might need food stamps. She might need Section 8 or other housing assistance. Republicans would cut those services, as they often do. Cut, cut cut. Let’s let the kids be born and then after that, fuck it.

jonsblond's avatar

Anyone who supports Trump and says Kamala can’t speak coherently is MAGA. You are only watching sound bites. I watch as much of Kamala speaking as I can and she states herself CLEARLY. How can you say she can’t speak well, then support Trump’s constant word salads? I don’t get it.

KNOWITALL's avatar

I was at the gym but I’m home now, sorry.

@chyna Yeah I’ll have to read the study, seems like inmates and illegals get all the benefits now.
A person here went o prison and taxpayers paid to replace her teeth she lost from meth usage. Thats crazy to me.

@janbb I’m 51 and dont drink KoolAid now, anymore than I did when I voted Democrat.

@jca2 My state allocated alot of additional funds to support single parents and children

@jonsblond She’s a better speaker than Biden. Insane cackling aside, there’s just no substance. She talks around questions constantly. Said Gen Z was stupid, acts like she wasnt slutting around with Mobtel and a 63 year old married man in Cali. I’ve seen prominent members of the black community reminding voters of her prosecuting blacks unfairly in Cali.
Got to jump in the shower. I’m not looking to trade insults guys but feel free to tell me the great things shes done the last 3.5 years and i’ll look it up.

MrGrimm888's avatar

There is no logic in the notion Harris could possibly be worse, than Trump.

If one’s position is to vote for the lesser of two evils, the known Trump negatives outweigh even the most aggressive radical left risk Harris poses.

MrGrimm888's avatar

@KNOWITALL In Charleston SC, our community is heavily intertwined with black culture and people. I have not heard of ANY problems with Harris.

Out of curiosity, why do you care about Harris as a person?

None of Trump’s behavior seems to matter, in regards to your vote…

(Kudos for going to the gym:)

chyna's avatar

@KNOWITALL Pretty funny you say she’s “slutting around” when trump has cheated on all of his wives.

MrGrimm888's avatar

^It’s not Trump’s fault, women throw their crotches at his hands!

chyna's avatar

^ewww lol

jonsblond's avatar

@KNOWITALL slutting around? Wow. Coming from another woman. Just wow. When did you become a misogynist?

Caravanfan's avatar

Harris is not a rapist.

MrGrimm888's avatar

She’s an Indian rapist?

elbanditoroso's avatar

Koolaid is being imbibed in Missouri.

jca2's avatar

@chyna It’s funny you pointed that out. I started to write something similar before, how it’s ironic that people talk about that with Harris but yet Trump not only did it, he bragged about it.

MrGrimm888's avatar

Subtle jab, at Trump’s saying he “read somewhere, she called herself Indian.”

Indian rapist, and Howard grad…

KNOWITALL's avatar

More insults, how surprising.

@jonsblond Everyone knows, its all over the internet with pics and videos. I dont think you and I have ever agreed on anything in over a decade so your labels are meaningless. Shrug.

Grimmy you don’t even vote, why do you care? :) I’m just saying they both seem like shit humans, so other than policy, why debate that point.

You know I think compromise is key and also that there is often a middle road. Its unfortunate thatvour government and parties can’t understand how that works anymore.

janbb's avatar

^^ Actually, our government did work together and compromised on a good border bill that was drafted by a Conservative Republican Senator and then Trump convinced the House Repups to voted against it to strengthen his campaign. It’s not everyone that can’t work together.

Caravanfan's avatar

@MrGrimm888 Ah…lost in translation.

Caravanfan's avatar

@KNOWITALL is mostly a one issue voter. I respect that as I’m mostly a one issue voter as well (just on the other side). But even if I were anti-choice, I’d still not vote for a fascist rapist convicted felon who is only interested in one thing, protecting and enriching himself. I would do with @gorillapaws and hat are probably going to do and vote third party.

MrGrimm888's avatar

@KNOWITALL I’m certainly of the opinion that if someone gets to the point where they are running for POTUS, they are likely a criminal and potentially sociopath… There, we can agree.

I thought about voting, or joining the Musk election fraud million dollar sweepstakes.
If I knew such things were legal, I’d have sold my vote, to the highest bidder.

What a sacred, honorable, democracy!

gorillapaws's avatar

@Caravanfan “I would do with @gorillapaws and hat are probably going to do and vote third party.”

I’m voting for Kamala. I think she’s a monster, but I think Walz is decent (not perfect but good enough) and I’m hopeful that Kamala will resign or maybe aliens will beam her up for experiments. I don’t do lesser-of-two-evils voting, but I will vote for something positive and I think Walz is sufficiently positive that in this particular election I’m willing to vote for the ticket he’s on.

JLeslie's avatar

From my perspective, Harris is finally doing better in interviews and town halls. She was difficult for me to listen to. Her cadence usually bothers me. Her deer in the headlights or pivot to something unrelated bothers me. She doesn’t do either very often though.

I felt like she missed opportunities when asked questions, she sometimes didn’t answer the question asked (like a lot of politicians). She couldn’t explain why Biden didn’t do more at the border. Couldn’t explain that we had inflation because under Trump we were having runaway prices in some industries due to interest rates being too low and some other factors. She doesn’t point out a lot of prices at the grocery store have come down in the last year. She talks about $25k to help first time home buyers, I still don’t know how that will be funded, although she says they would pay it back.

As an aside: I would watch Tim Walz and thought he was great!

I’m watching Harris now on an Anderson Cooper CNN town hall, and for the first time I think she is doing well answering most of the questions. I think her border answer is much better now, talking about congress is the entity that can really make significant change for processing people at the border. I think Biden should have done more sooner with the border, he has curbed migration now, but it took too long. I do agree Congress still needs to take action to make it better. Other topics also she has moved on some topics and she is addressing that better.

Talking about her sex life seems ridiculous. Why are we talking about any politicians sex life at this point with all of the antics of so many politicians and especially her opponent.

As far as trans issues it makes no sense to me that it is a top priority for voters on the list of political issues, except in the case of people directly affected. I’m not saying it is not important, because to me one of the most important parts of domestic politics is civil rights, and it is a civil rights issue. For me, the truth is in the middle on the topic. I think most Democrats don’t see of hear about where there really is need for concern, but I do think it is a tiny number. Republicans are too paranoid on the topic, and need to realize some of their hyperbole puts people in danger. It reminds me of immigration. Republicans wanting to block everyone and call all immigrants criminals, and Democrats saying there is no need for any concern at the border. I think the trans issues will eventually be a more reasonable conversation after the election.

Dutchess_III's avatar

“Illegal aliens” what ever that is DO NOT QUALIFY FOR STATE AID OR SOCIAL SECURITY OR ANYTHING! They have to have a SS number to qualify AND THEY DONT HAVE THAT! Jesus!!

MrGrimm888's avatar

^I don’t know anyone “saying there is no need for concern at the border.”

Personally, I can’t support Trump’s wall, because it’s a moronic and ridiculously expensive idea.
I don’t want Trump separating families and treating people like cattle again either.

I think even most democrats recognize the need for addressing the immigration issue.
There is a great/common misunderstanding of the term “open borders.” (In my opinion.)
So, we see a disproportionate polling representation of left-wingers, that “want/support” “open borders.”
The term is often interpreted as “anyone can come to America.”
Not. “We want ZERO border enforcement.”

To me; the “trans issue,” is a religion issue. Religion causes problems, for EVERYTHING.
The conservatives, are (of course) overwhelmingly Christian.
In countries where things like homosexuality are a capital offense, it’s “wrong,” according to their religious beliefs.
There are simply no other reasons, for such homo-phobia.

Some conservatives value their “culture,” more than anything.

To me, it follows concerns about seeing their world changing. They don’t like SO many brown people, or LGBTQ+ people in their communities.
Essentially. Many/most laws a nation has, are at least loosely based on the predominant religion’s views of “right or wrong.”

As long as organized religion is around, there will always be intolerance. Although I don’t like the word “intolerance,” as it implies that gender issues are something to be tolerated, not simply someone’s right to pursue life, love, and happiness.

Who here, likes meeting a stranger, who says “I’d love to talk to you about Jesus?”
Not many, because society IS moving away from religion.
Even people who claim to be religious, don’t really follow the rules of their deity/deities.
Because their lives would suck.

JLeslie's avatar

Illegal Aliens is an old term for undocumented immigrants. Previously, green cards were called alien registration cards or alien resident cards, I don’t remember exactly. It was a legitimate term used by the US government, but it is passé now. I assume it no longer is on the card.

The US born children of immigrants can receive help through government programs, the children are citizens, so in that way the parents are getting money. Undocumented immigrants don’t want to be found, so they aren’t likely to ask for anything or collect anything.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

@KNOWITALL watch this video and tell me Trump is still your guy…

MrGrimm888's avatar

Walz is affable enough, and doesn’t have the badguy vibe Vance does.

They both bring a different element to the table.

If I were to speculate which president and vp combination would work cohesively/together the best it would be Harris/Walz.

Trump himself said Vance, would not be ready to be VP, and ultimately didn’t matter.

A vote for Trump, is for Trump.
He’s going to have all the power, and Vance will try to do whatever keeps him on Trump’s good side.

Whereas I could see Harris and Walz, potentially working together on something more easily.

If life has taught me anything, it’s that good doesn’t always triumph over evil. In that spirit, I do believe Trump will win. It may be the last election…

jca2's avatar

@Dutchess_III In NYS, migrants (aka illegal aliens) receive shelter (mostly in hotels in NYC and elsewhere), food stamps, Medicaid, clothing and other benefits. That’s what people are pissed off about, with them. In NYC, they were complaining that they didn’t like the food at the shelter so they receive cards for restaurants food. The kids also go to school. NYC has to hire 120,000 more teachers for the upcoming school year, mostly due to migrant children. In addition, there is a gang from Venezuela, Tren de Aragua, that is recruiting children in shelters as young as 11 years old, for robberies and other crimes in NYC. This is from the offiicials in the NYPD, on the regular network news, not from Fox or anything right wing. So as far as migrants go, that’s why a lot of locals are pissed off.

JLeslie's avatar

It will be so interesting to see the vote in NYC and in turn NYS as a total. Between immigration and Israel, NY might go more red than people might expect. Not just for president, but other offices too. I thought originally FL might have had a slim chance, but the Israel issue might be helping Trump in FL.

Harris does nothing to help people concerned about the Israeli Gaza situation feel confident about her. Axelrod and Alyssa Farah Griffin summed that up well last night when reviewing the CNN townhall, they said exactly what I was thinking on that. Not just the town hall last night, but a day or two before I saw her in another forum where an Iraqi young woman asked Harris to basically help her and her community feel ok about voting for her, and Harris answered pivoting to healthcare. WTH?!

I figure most Democrats who are extremely excited about Harris don’t even hear her non answers, because they like the topics she pivots to, but undecided voters are hearing those things.

Last night a few of the people in the town hall sounded like Harris did help them feel better about voting for her, but none of those people were focused on Israel and Gaza. I don’t think any of them who were interviewed afterwards talked about antisemitism or trans issues either. Not that I remember.

jca2's avatar

@KNOWITALL Missouri does not allow abortions in the case of incest or rape. So if a 12 year old gets raped by her stepfather, and she gets pregnant, no abortion for her. I know that pro-lifers are very gung ho about no abortions, but I really find it hard to force a child or anybody to go through with a pregnancy from a rape or incest. “Give it up for adoption” is too pat of an answer to that, as well, in my opinion. I know this is a very divided issue, now. I just think the most kind laws would at least have exceptions for certain things.

jonsblond's avatar

@KNOWITALL no, Kamala “slutting around” (what a disgusting thing to say) is not “all over the news.” Maybe in your gross circle of news. Saying that about a woman IS misogynistic. It’s a fact, not name calling. We did agree in the past because supposedly you supported your trans friend so you were supposedly supportive when I brought up the fact my son was trans. Maybe you forgot? I know you forgot because you are throwing all trans people under the buss, and now women, with your vote.

jonsblond's avatar

They estimate in a research letter published Wednesday in JAMA Internal Medicine that 64,565 pregnancies have been caused by rape in the 14 states where abortion is banned.

You okay with this @knowitall?

jonsblond's avatar

Kamala would be one of the most qualified presidents in recent US history. She would be the first president to have served in all three branches of government.

“Before her selection as Biden’s vice presidential candidate, Harris was the San Francisco district attorney, the California attorney general and a U.S. senator. All of these were elected positions. In the Senate, Harris was a member of the judiciary, intelligence and homeland security committees, hardly lightweight assignments. There, she was a consistent and powerful voice for equality and justice. During the Democratic presidential debates in 2020, you might remember the way then-candidate Harris took on her opponents, including Biden, with vigor, intelligence and logic. She was a force, no doubt that was part of the reason that Biden chose her as his running mate.”

@KNOWITALL I don’t care who she CONSENSUALLY slept with. She’s not a convicted sexual predator like Trump is. Trump doesn’t care about consent. It’s odd that she has all these qualifications, yet you focus on her bedroom and laugh.

ragingloli's avatar

If at this point you still intend to vote for the convicted criminal and adjucated rapist, who tried to stage a coup in 2020, and intends to end democracy as you know it with Project 2025, then nothing will convince you otherwise.
If you really don’t like Kamala Harris, then the correct response is to either not vote at all, or vote 3rd party. Not throwing your lot in with the open fascist.

chyna's avatar

@KNOWITALL I’m not looking to trade insults guys but feel free to tell me the great things shes done the last 3.5 years and i’ll look it up.
Name me any legislative initiatives Mike Pense proposed and signed into law in his 4 years.

canidmajor's avatar

@chyna has an excellent (and rather obvious point that the MAGAs should know). Harris is the vice president. Not the president. <eyeroll>

Blackwater_Park's avatar

“In my opinion, pro lifers are really only concerned about not providing abortions. Once the kid is born, it’s on its own”

Before you roast me, I’m pro choice. This thinking has to stop, it’s not true. At. All.

Blackwater_Park's avatar

Kamala comes off as this particular kind of person I have met a time or two. They have credentials, went to a good school and they had positions of authority (but never for too long) They may even have some alphabet soup next to their name like MBA, yadda yadda. All that, and they’re either about as bright as a bag of hammers or they are so disengaged that their position is in name only and they do the bare minimum just to get by. She won’t be running the white house. I don’t know who will be.

elbanditoroso's avatar

@Blackwater_Park turn it around. If Trump wins, who will be running the white house? It won’t be Trump, he is half dead. It will be his Project 2025 acolytes bent on taking over the US for white nationalism.

Blackwater_Park's avatar

@elbanditoroso I’m not voting for Trump. I’m not voting at all. In Trump’s administration he will try all kinds of nutty things like getting out of NATO. His administration will be constantly fighting fires he starts. He’ll keep replacing them but they’ll keep fighting fires because it’s their asses on the line too. In the end it it’ll be a completely ineffective four years of him (if he makes it that long) There will be no shortage of personal carnage where he stabbed those in the back who were loyal. That sounds a little more refreshing than the complete unknown that is the Harris administration. Biden/Harris seem to capitulate to all the special interests that will be running things for Harris if she wins. It’s their big window to takeover the oval office for the foreseeable future. It’s refreshing until you think about “what if Trump is successful in some of his dumpster fire ideas?”

Caravanfan's avatar

“pro lifers” are not pro life. Women are dying because of the “pro life”movement

SQUEEKY2's avatar

@Caravanfan I have said this before prolifers are more probirthers once the kid is born they are done .

Dutchess_III's avatar

Do you have proof of that @jca2?

jca2's avatar

Dutchess i could give you NY Times articles but you couldn’t read them. Everything is probably in the NY Post but i listed a lot so it would be extensive. You could easily google it. I get it on the news at night. My network is a NYC news, NBC, so it’s mainstream.

Ill do some googling later.

The Tre De Aragua thing about recruiting children, and now crime by children in NYC was just on the nightly news two days ago, with one of the top NYPD officials discussing it.

The migrants getting restaurant food was from summer 2023.

Zaku's avatar

@Blackwater_Park “Why does it not scare you that we have no idea who has really been running things during the Biden administration? No, it was not Biden. Harris appears to be in the same boat, a figurehead who can hardly be bothered to prepare for interviews. Who is running things in this administration? That should scare the shit out of you.”
– I felt this was made entirely clear by the first term of the Reagan administration, to anyone perceptive and knowledgeable enough listening to him read his speeches – it was clear to me that he did not really understand enough of what he was talking about, to be the actual President for purposes of leading policy, making important decisions, etc.

As for Harris, I definitely do not have that impression. I think you may be mistaking diplomatic phrasing that deliberately avoids saying certain things for political reasons. However I don’t know what specific interviews you likely have seen that I have not.

With Biden, I think he definitely delegates and/or has a team of advisors etc handling policy details, and he sometimes has issues speaking clearly and seeming clearly cogent. But I don’t think he’s actually incompetent or daft the way many leap to believe. In any case, the executive office has been very competent for the last four years, and I don’t particularly mind it being a group rather than strictly an individual, since it’s been that way before, and this team seems to mostly be doing quite well. Particularly in comparison to the previous administration.

“Why is the economy so fucked up?”
– Because Covid/Trump aftermath, corporate exploitation, general problems with our economic system, the “enshittification” phenomenon as huge megacorporate blobs dominate the economy, etc.

“why are we in so many proxy wars?”
– Because of what Russia has been up to. And part of that is they’ve been doing whatever they can to try to tip the scales to their pawn Trump.

“It screams Oligarchy.”
– Oligarchy continues to be a massive and growing problem, particularly with climate change looking more and more like it’s going to wipe us out. But the answer is not to give Trump nor MAGA Republicans a chance to return to office.

Blackwater_Park's avatar

You can keep the mental gymnastics and denial. Harris is clearly a useful idiot. I don’t think it’s a good to hand it to MAGA Republicans either. We are really in a bad place here.

Zaku's avatar

@Blackwater_Park I’m trying to understand what you wrote. What does your scale of idiocy look like? Do you have some reasoning or some example(s) of some video that has you feel like Harris is clearly a useful idiot? And/or, what do you mean by “useful idiot”?

I do agree we’re in a really bad place, and that the US Presidency is largely a figurehead position, and I’m pretty sure every modern president has found that their actual individual power is quite limited, and that they are chosen for their usefulness to the unelected oligarchic powers that be, and are required to behave within narrow bounds “or else”, etc. So if by “useful idiot” you just mean someone who has been a well-behaved agent of the oligarchy-controlled Democratic Party, I’d agree with that.

But it seems to me we have a clear choice between a stable normal competent Democratic Party president, with the agendas that go along with that, and a (where-to-even-begin?) fascist pawn madman who has already done immense damage and plans to do much more if re-elected.

Blackwater_Park's avatar

If by “useful idiot” you just mean someone who has been a well-behaved agent of the oligarchy-controlled Democratic Party

Yes, exactly what I mean.

This is a pick your poison scenario. Death by cyanide or carbon monoxide. I foresee a Harris administration as the status quo. A continual destruction of the middle class, war hawk activity, and just general all-around erosion of things that are good for people like you and me. This has been going on but it’s out in the open now and nobody is really calling it out so if it continues…forever it will be. Trump is a disruptor of this, but not in a good way. In a batshit crazy megalomaniacal burn the ships kind of way.

YARNLADY's avatar

@KNOWITALL By the way, Trump was not elected by the popular vote, he was elected by a judge who decided to throw out the deciding votes in Florida. He actually lost by nearly 6 million votes, but the electoral college system screwed us.

Zaku's avatar

@Blackwater_Park Then we have similar perspectives.

However I think Trump wasn’t/isn’t/won’t be much of a disruptor of that, if at all. I think he accelerated the process in many severe ways.

And, some of us did use to have some time to work on calling that out . . . back in 2008–2016.

There are at least some Progressives, Greens, and other independents on the ballots, not to mention the various initiatives and local candidates. I don’t see why you wouldn’t vote at all.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Well I’d like to think his staff would keep him firmly under wraps this time. And feed him bullshit that he’ll yell out to the so he’ll look as stupid as he is.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

Lets hope so @Dutchess_III because the damage he can do to your country it will take to 2040 to recover.
He still doesn’t think imposed tariffs won’t hurt anyone but the countries the goods are coming from.

MrGrimm888's avatar

In 2016, Trump “surrounded” himself, “with the best advisors.”

Most of the people HE chose, were most fired. All for the same sin, lack of universal agreement with Trump, or (in Trump’s mind) disloyalty.

He has already publicly stated that even his VP, doesn’t matter, as he’s running the show.

Combine that, with the controversial ruling that a US president is not subject to the country’s laws, and I cannot foresee him acting in ways that would be more presidential.

There were times in Trump’s term, he had a very thin staff, and put his children into some spots of power, to keep things under his control.

The majority of his previous staff (the one’s who aren’t in prison,) do not support him this time around.

@SQUEEKY2 Trump’s 20% tariffs, are supposed to bring manufacturing jobs back to the US. It’s unimportant, that capitalism (and greed,) are THE reasons for manufacturing being outsourced.

Now, as we enter a future where robotic workers will be replacing human workers, I see a similar problem emerging.
IF Trump’s tariffs have the effect of US companies deciding to keep manufacturing of their products in the US, the same corporate greed that outsourced those jobs in the first place will almost certainly buy robots (probably foreign made,) to replace the US human workers.

Ultimately, there is no win for the American people in this effort.
It will destroy recent drops in inflation, in the short term, and long term most people will be replaced by a machine that is less expensive, doesn’t need breaks or sleep, and won’t unionize.

A win/win, for wealthy corporations AGAIN, and more bad news for the American people. Although, clearly around half of Americans are too stupid to understand that they are negatively affected by “keep the wealthy, wealthy” strategy Trump mainly uses…

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