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YARNLADY's avatar

Does anyone believe gender change operations are taking place in schools?

Asked by YARNLADY (46537points) 10 hours ago

I will never vote for a candidate who claims a boy goes to school and comes back a girl.

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34 Answers

Lightlyseared's avatar

Apert from Trump republicans?

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Blackwater_Park's avatar

I don’t think anyone believes these operations are happening at school.

jca2's avatar

Has a candidate said that a boy goes to school and comes back a girl?

elbanditoroso's avatar

Think about it. Are you aware of any schools that have full-on operating rooms, nursing staffs, recovery rooms, and full medical equipment as befits a hospital.

Of course not. This is idiocy, pure and simple

elbanditoroso's avatar

You may not like the question, wulf, but the basis of it is a comment that your preferred candidate made. So it is fair game for discussion on this forum.

jonsblond's avatar

@jca2 Trump said it.

jca2's avatar

@jonsblond I don’t doubt it. Is there a link?

jca2's avatar

Yes, @jonsblond I posted a link as well. Thanks.

Forever_Free's avatar

I can’t wait to read the book that amasses all these weird creepy comments he makes.
This recent one made me laugh so hard.
“your kid goes to school and comes home a few days later with an operation.”
How can ANYONE believe this man.

ragingloli's avatar

Yes, and it is the same people that believe that democrats harvest baby adrenochrome in the backrooms of pizzar parlors.
The same people that believe that the democrats control hurricanes.
The same people that believe in Jewish space lasers.
The same people that believe Haitians eat people’s cats and dogs.
The same people that believe in the “woke mind virus”.
The same people that believe that the orangutan won the 2020 election.

jca2's avatar

@ragingloli Don’t forget that the vaccine has chips in it so Bill Gates can keep track of you.

jca2's avatar

What’s sad is that people believe all this crap, literally to the detail. They really believe that kids are getting sex changes in school (yup, they sure are, Jethro, I’m tellin ya). Whatever Trump says, they think it’s Gospel.

janbb's avatar

And yet there’s one of them in this august group who thinks we’re all crazy!

jonsblond's avatar

@jca2 and our links are proof he’s said it at least twice to two different audiences.

jca2's avatar

@jonsblond Oh, ok, gotcha.

JLeslie's avatar

What?! How does anyone believe an operation is taking place in a school?

I do differ on this topic from many Democrats in that I do think Democrats are going too far in their defense of allowing transwomen compete in sports, but K-8 I am not concerned about this at all.

I stand with female nurses and female patients who are speaking out who are uncomfortable being treated or expected to be naked with transwomen. It really depends on the situation.

I also fully support people being able to transition, but I think we should be wary how we handle young children. I do believe there are children who know very young they are supposed to be the other gender. There are also medical situation where gender is ambiguous, but also there is so much out there about no gender or changing gender that I do think it influences children and I am concerned they would have pressure on them not to change their mind if they began to feel differently.

I hate this has become such a political issue. It should be a health issue, and in schools we should promote kindness, understanding, and acceptance of all people. We should have bathrooms and showers that allow for privacy not only for trans but also for modest children. Changing in the locker rooms is really difficult for quite a few children, especially 6,7,8th grade.

chyna's avatar

Apparently some people believe this insaneness.

KNOWITALL's avatar

That was very weird. Indoctrinating oe grooming maybe, as he’s said before, but the actual surgery? Wow.
Dont get me wrong, I’m no fan of Kamala, but that is a blatent lie without proof.

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jca2's avatar

I live in a blue state, in a town (school district) that’s about 50/50 Dem and Repub and the school nurse won’t give out any medication at all if there’s not a full permission slip from a parent. She won’t give an OTC aspirin or Tylenol – if the kid is sick, the parent gets called and the parent can pick the kid up or make other arrangement (like the kid can rest in the nurse’s office if that’s an option). Even though it’s a blue state, there are no gender surgeries happening in any school that I know of. It’s another talking point/lie to get voters riled up and thinking the Dems are coming for your children to indoctrinate them without your permission.

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RedDeerGuy1's avatar

Edit redacted.

filmfann's avatar

We’ll find out in 2 weeks.

gorillapaws's avatar

If we’re being pedantic, I think it’s very likely that there are university hospitals doing these procedures.

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